The name Africa came into Western use through the Romans, who used the
name Africa terra — "land of the Afri" (plural, or "Afer" singular) —
for the northern part of the continent, as the province of Africa with
its capital Carthage, corresponding to modern-day Tunisia
The origin of Afer may either come from:
-the Phoenician `afar, dust;
-the Afri, a tribe—possibly Berber—who dwelt in North Africa in the Carthage area;
-the Greek word aphrike, meaning without cold;
-or the Latin word aprica, meaning sunny.
The historian Leo Africanus (1495-1554) attributed the
origin to the Greek word phrike (φρικε, meaning "cold and horror"),
combined with the negating prefix a-, so meaning a land free of cold and
horror. But the change of sound from ph to f in Greek is datable to
about the first century, so this cannot really be the origin of the
Egypt was considered part of Asia by the ancients, and
first assigned to Africa by the geographer Ptolemy (85 - 165 AD), who
accepted Alexandria as Prime Meridian and made the isthmus of Suez and
the Red Sea the boundary between Asia and Africa. As Europeans came to
understand the real extent of the continent, the idea of Africa expanded
with their knowledge.

Many people say the word Africa originated when scripio Africanus
defeated hannibal,and it was customary for Roman conquerors to name the
territory after themselves.
The other theory states that the Phonecians settled Northern
Africa,which was modern day Tunisa,and they incounbtered a people called
the Afer.
The Afer was described by Virgil in his poem Moreitum as being
fuscos[latin for dark],thick lipped,and with tightly curled hair.
From my reserch I tend to believe the second theory,and take note that
many parts of Africa were called many different things by many
different people.
The name “Africa” is the Latinized form of the Arabic “Ifriqa” or
“Ifriqiyah,” which means “Queen of Heaven.” This was the original name
of Tunisia, the northernmost country on the African continent... ''
The Latin word for Africa actually came before the word Ifriquiah,which
Arabs named it this. The more accurate origin of the word Africa is
probally from the Roman General Scripio Africanus who beat Hannibal in
the Punic War. Ifraiq

The Original name for Africa is :Alkebulan: Arabic for " The Land Of The Blacks"
ADid you know that the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan? "Among the
many names Alkebu-lan ["mother of mankind" or "garden of eden"] was
called are the following: "Ethiopia, Corphye, Ortegia, Libya and Africa -
the latest of all.
Alkebulan is the oldest and the only one of
indigenous origin. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians,
Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. Africa, the current
misnomer adopted by almost everyone today , was given to this continent
by the ancient Greeks and Romans. "
Wouldn't this verify that We the descendants of Africa, aren't by definition africans? But rather ALKEBU-LAN OR BLACK BY DESIGN?
Like all methods of manipulation the Romans sought to completely
disconnect the indigenous Afrikans with their culture, deities, and
knowledge. This could only be successfully done by renaming the all
archetypical icons, thereby disconnecting the significance, meaning, and
sacredness from any specific archetype. Three excellent examples are
The Kaballah in Mecca, Christianity, and the word Tekken. Kaballah
breaks down into Khemetic Ka= spirit, Ba = Body, and Allah or The
Creator or Creative Source. Christianity which is essentially the
youngest religion patterned after The Khemitic Trinity of (Ausar, Auset,
and Haru) now The Father, The Holy Spirit and the Son. The Greeks
changed these original names to Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The change in
language has to be understood by the interpreter, not by the indigenous
people, as well, the change allows a complete disconnection after a few
generations, the original people will no longer see the significance
since their language will not be in usage, nor will they understand the
connections in the language to the cultural icon. This is why every
culture assimilates a powerful icon from another culture, and after a
few generations presumes their culture originated this concept or idea.
With Asians and the word Tekken; which means "iron fist" the derivitive
comes from, again ancient Khem or Egypt as it is now called. The Greeks
refer to the icon as an Obelisk, but the indigenous Afrikans called it
Tekhen or Tekhenry. The Tekhen represented Asar and his ressurection.
The Tekhen represents the phallus which was errect when Auset received
the whole seed from Asar and begat or conceived Haru or Horus. If one is
knowledgable about Nei Kung or Chi kung or Qi Gong, then they know the
connection between an errect phallus and the iron fist. You cannot have
one without the other since the cultivation of the sexual energy causes
the by-product of the iron fist and errect phallus. Only if the language
is studied do the context and meaning become clear. It would be no
different from a spanish speaking person talking with a non-spanish
speaking person who tries to mirror the speech but cannot get the
complete meaning because they do not speak the language and do not
posses the cultural iconic symbols and meaning that intergrate with that
specific culture. Linguistics, Semantics, and Phonetics are usually
dismissed, but will always hold the key to the truth. Even Zecharia
Sitchin with attest to that. The Romans were engaging in a cover-up,
"America" was known as paradise and its Original Indigenous Olmec name
was "the Land of the Spirit of the Creator) or Afu Ra Ka. After
Cristobol the Roman pope covered up that they had take indigenous
peoples from 'North, South, and Central' "Africa" to be branded Negro.
The remaining inhabitants were either branded Indian and Negro, the
continent was then renamed "America" because it was the last stronghold
of the Moors/Muurs/Mohrs and one of the sources of their wealth. The
Romans were addicted to the drugs being given to them by the Macedonians
and Khemites such as sugar, kaffee, KA-Ko (cocaine). Like every Junkie
they wanted control of the main supply! The roman inquisition and the
Christian Black codes of 1724 codified a caste system based on Crayons
Black, Brown, Yellow, White, Red, Pink, Grey all by capitalizing an
adjective! In order to secure ALL the resources in the Colonies physical
and natural. The Corporate fiction was created in order to have power
without responsiblity. In those conquered contries backward thinking,
backward knowledge, and backward understanding was reinforced. Why else
would an 'adult' believe that JOHN A. DOE is the same as John A. Doe?
See Nationality has to do with Natal, and if you don't know that this
land is Your land, then you cannot claim your birthrights! Listen we
forgive you for slavery, miseducating captured Moors, even the lynchings
and burning. Rome wants to keep up the fabrication, make them tell the
truth! I would actually have to agree with the first response given. The
second does not give a reason, but actually makes it seem as if the name
'Africa' just kind of fell into place. It was done purposely though.
It did have something to do with the Romans and it did have something to
do with Scipio Africanus. It was actually renamed in his honor.
However, like I said, the first is more likely the answer. The Romans
weren't idiots when it came to expanding their territory, obviously.
Cutting the people of Alkebulan off from their traditional culture and
knowledge is a genius way to assure that the territory can be held for
longer amounts of time.
I would actually have to agree with the first response given. The
second does not give a reason, but actually makes it seem as if the name
'Africa' just kind of fell into place. It was done purposely though.
It did have something to do with the Romans and it did have something to
do with Scipio Africanus. It was actually renamed in his honor.
However, like I said, the first is more likely the answer. The Romans
weren't idiots when it came to expanding their territory, obviously.
Cutting the people of Alkebulan off from their traditional culture and
knowledge is a genius way to assure that the territory can be held for
longer amounts of time.
Answer from UMOJA Research I would go with Dr. Van Sertima. The name
Africa came from 'Afri-uka" which means "Motherland," in the ancient
Egyptian language and that term "Motherland" is one still used in
reference to Africa even today. Thus "Africanus" is Latin, but
'Afru-ika" is Egyptian and the name "Afru-ika" was in existence long
before the name "Africanus," which probably means "from Africa," or "of
Africa." During the 400's B.C. to 400's A.D., the Romans were in
northern Africa and the Greeks were in Egypt from about 300's B.C. to
about 200 A.D. So, the Indo-European languages have African Kushitic
roots as well. The term 'Afru-ika" means "Motherland," according to one
of Ivan Van Sertima's books. Afru-ika means "motherland" in the ancient
Egyptian language which was part of the "Afro-Asiatic" language family.
Hebrew, Arabic, Geez (the litergical language of the Ethiopian Coptic
Church), Aramaic are all Afro-Asiatic languages. The oldest and the
mother of these languages still survives today in East Africa, it is
called "Iraqwu" and is a Black African language. Some linguists point
out that both Hebrew and Arabic are dialects of Ancient Egyptian.
According to some Africans of the Galla People of Ethiopia, "Apraka"
means "sunny," hence the term "Africa," may in fact have African roots.
Now, as far as the Roman is concerned, his name "Africanus" or a name
such as "Scipio Africanus," probably means "Sicipio of Africa." That
would mean the general was named for being from Africa or defeating a
part of Africa. It should be understood the correct, or birth name of
Scipio Africanus is, Publius Cornelius Scipio (236-182 BC) and after
defeating Hannibal and parts of North Africa, was awarded the title, or
name Scipio Africanus.
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