Saturday 23 August 2014

What is the objective of Afrocentrism?

To restore lost African heritage and bring world regard for Royal African blood line. Just like the royals families of Europe, The Middle East and Asia, Africa also has a long history of royal ancestry. It is important to reiterate that a pursuit to free people’s minds from the grasp of white supremacy does not mean hatred of whites or racism against whites. What it effects is, since history recalls a period of time when whites meticulously enslaved and took apart African heritage from black slaves of whom many were royal blood, subtly rejecting the establishment of black heritage in their mainstream community, blacks have a responsibility to restore the heritage among black. To to this we return to the original traditions.
In restoring this heritage, the first thing that must be done is to reaffirm and promulgate the history. In reaffirming black history we set forth the ancient African empires that existed even before the Roman, Greek and European-American imperial rise to prominence. But in some causes legends from ancient African empires were carried to Europe where they became the origin of western mythology.
To understand Hip Hop culture we must see past the commercial music and none black culture inspired industry fads. From Egypt in the north, to the Mali, Ghana and the Songhai empires which gave rise to Romarong, Jalunka and Fouta Djallon empires in the west to the great dynasties of Sudan in the east and that of the Zulu and the Xhosa people of South Africa, African heritage falls among a galore of royal blood lines that were disrespected when Europeans barged in, enslaved and dismantled the cultural heritage from the royal descendants who were enslaved and then westernized.
In reaffirming African heritage the Afrocentric endeavors to restore traditions and cultural mentalities that have since descended with western civilization and western economic, political and military dominance over the world. To undo the devastating effects of four hundred years of slavery the Afrocentric engages in Pan-African belief systems and dogma. This is how deep Hip Hop culture goes. It is disrespectful for the mainstream media, some law enforcement, politicians and religious critics to simplify the culture to that of ignorance, senseless thug-ism and only a drug related subculture.
What is the heritage of Africa?
African heritage can be summed up in 1] – People – which involves tribes and the royal ancestry blood line that sustain them; 2] traditions – which involves the way of life, dos and don’ts and strict code of conduct for men, women and children as related to their tribe or royal blood line. Tradition also explains the meaning of name and last names, ceremonies of marriage, funerals, worship, elders and children, arts, music, clothing, food, warfare, family structure and the system of settling disputes among the people. 3] language – the nature and structure of well-defined dialects and languages spoken by the people as they relate to the cultural mentality which forms the core of their traditions. People, Tradition and Language.
As the culture must be passed down from generation to generation and royal blood must rule, many Africans who were cut off from the source of their heritage now have to be buccaneered or reconnected in. In teaching them the challenge becomes how to undo white supreme philosophies and teachings already instill in them without causing a confusion of self.? For example, we’re not trying to get black women to give up weave unwillingly even though wearing a straight white woman like hair over the Afro clearly shows an intimidation she may feel in her natural beauty.

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