Wednesday 13 August 2014

Opting Against Ebola Drug for Ill African Doctor

The doctor who had been leading Sierra Leone’s battle against the Ebola outbreak was now fighting for his own life, and his international colleagues faced a fateful decision: whether to give him a drug that had never before been tested on people.
Would the drug, known as ZMapp, help the stricken doctor? Or would it perhaps harm or even kill one of the country’s most prominent physicians, a man considered a national hero, shattering the already fragile public trust in international efforts to contain the world’s worst Ebola outbreak?
The treatment team, from Doctors Without Borders and the World Health Organization, agonized through the night and ultimately decided not to try the drug. The doctor, Sheik Umar Khan, died a few days later, on July 29. 

 The doses of the drug that were not used were eventually sent to Liberia, where other doctors made the opposite decision — and two American aid workers became the first people in the world to receive ZMapp. Both of them survived and are now being treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
“It’s a little political; that’s what it looks like to me,” Alhajie Khan, Dr. Khan’s brother, said of the decision. “Why would you not give it to him? The guy who helped all of these people.”
The provision of ZMapp, which is in extremely limited supply, to foreign aid workers has raised broad ethical questions about the disparities in treatment between white outsiders and the Africans who form the overwhelming majority of victims in the epidemic.
Those concerns were heightened further after Spanish officials confirmed that they had obtained a supply of ZMapp for a third patient, a 75-year-old Spanish priest who died Tuesday after having been evacuated to Madrid from Liberia. 

The previously untold story of Dr. Khan, recounted by two doctors involved in discussions about whether to use ZMapp, offered an unusual glimpse into the wrenching ethical dilemma of when and how experimental drugs should be used to combat the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Had the treatment team decided differently in his case, the first person treated with the drug would have been African.
On Tuesday, the World Health Organization endorsed the use of untested drugs to combat the outbreak, which has already killed more than 1,000 people and continues to spread. But ZMapp and other potential treatments are in such short supply that another politically charged question remains: Who should get them?

What You Need to Know About the Ebola Outbreak

Questions and answers on the scale of the outbreak and the science of the Ebola virus.

Marie-Paule Kieny, assistant director general of the World Health Organization, said at a news conference in Geneva on Tuesday that several drugs and vaccines had shown some promise in animal testing and might conceivably be used.
But none are “available in unlimited supplies right now,” Dr. Kieny said. “I don’t think that there could be any fair distribution of something which is available in such a small quantity.”
On Tuesday, Liberia’s government announced that it would receive ZMapp after its president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, requested the drug from the United States. It said the drug would be used to treat two doctors who have Ebola.
That would be the first known use of the drug to treat Africans, but it also might be the last for a while. The manufacturer, Mapp Bio-pharmaceutical, said that it had complied with a request from a West African nation, but noted in a statement that the available supply of the drug was now exhausted.
In the case of Dr. Khan, who has been called “the arrowhead of the fight” against Ebola in his country, the doctors involved said there was no intention to save the drug for Americans. They said it was not known that the American aid workers were sick at the time of the decision not to treat Dr. Khan, around July 23. Instead, they said, doctors feared stoking the considerable suspicion of Western medical institutions in the country, which was already making it harder to contain the outbreak.

W.H.O. on Use of Experimental Ebola Drug

Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, the World Health Organization’s assistant director general, announced that the agency would endorse the use of drugs untested in humans to combat the Ebola virus in West Africa.
Publish Date August 12, 2014. Image Credit-Salvatore Di Nolie/European Press-photo Agency
“What they really didn’t want to do was kill Dr. Khan with their attempt at therapy,” said Dr. Armand Sprecher, a public health specialist at Doctors Without Borders. “If word got out that M.S.F. killed Dr. Khan, that would have implications for outbreak control,” he added, using the initials for the French name of the relief group.
Dr. Sprecher, who is involved in the procurement and use of drugs for Doctors Without Borders but was not directly treating Dr. Khan, said another factor was that Dr. Khan’s virus levels were so high it was believed the drug would probably not work.
He said the treatment team never discussed the option of using the drug with Dr. Khan himself, deciding it would do so only if it decided to go ahead with the treatment.
“There are an awful lot of people who are very traumatized by the whole event,” Dr. Sprecher said in a telephone interview from Brussels on Tuesday.
At the time the decision was made, less was known about ZMapp, which may have helped the two American relief workers, Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, who were initially treated in Liberia and then evacuated.

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