Brice put up with the crap from the idiot sector for
about a year and then gave up talking at conferences altogether. She
hasn't done any public speaking about her book since late 1999. I don't
blame her at all as the Illuminati makes you-and your family members- suffer when
you spill the beans of their dark and dirty secrets.
The more you talk, the more they put the screws to you. Today, with
psychotronic harassment and torture technology, it's a wonder that
anyone is still talking.
James has published five chapters so far of his on-line book, Agent Buried Alive, The Autobiography of Commander James Casbolt.
I've read all five chapters and I find his information to be right
on target and in agreement with that which I've gained over the years
from many other sources. I won't be so arrogant that I'll say that
I'm sure that my perception of the NWO, their mind control operations, and their alien overlords are totally accurate, but I'm reasonably confidant that I have the story straight-and it agrees with James Casbolt's rendition almost 100%. For my money, this guy is right on the mark and any moron-blogger who tries to tell you otherwise, does not know what he's talking about.
Books written by high level victims of government mind
control operations are not altogether pleasant reading. Much of the
information they present is shocking and completely outside of our
normal, everyday frame of reference.
There are at least 133 Deep Underground Military Bases in America
alone and well over 400 worldwide. Hundreds of thousands of
men, women and small children are brutalized, tortured, programmed,
experimented upon, and killed in many of those underground facilities
(and taken by aliens) which often are shared with incredibly malevolent alien beings who literally eat human beings.
People simply don't understand just how technologically advanced the NWO is compared to the civilian sector.
We aren't talking about fifty years ahead, we're talking about one thousand years ahead.
Cloning, total mind control, invisibility, anti-gravity, free energy,
age regression, soul transfers, extended life spans, time travel, space
portals, ability to cure any disease, time machines, etc. are already
in the hands of the NWO and their military lap dogs. We are living in a
make-believe world of pretend democracy while being lied to by pretend
representatives, pretend media, and pretend leaders, of which a large
percentage are working on behalf of the NWO to destroy this country
and usher in the satanic One World government . .
In reading these chapters, you will see that James Casbolt
restates many of the same themes that I've been reviewingon this blog1. The New World Order is run by alien overlords. Humans aren't calling the shots, Dracos reptilian aliens are calling the shots. Most "human" representatives of the Illuminati, puppet politicians, and military leaders are human/alien hybrids or 100% reptilian shape-shifters (Chimeras) or CLONES of the original person. The current Secretary of the Treasury, for instance, Henry Paulson, is likely a clone of the original Paulson who was killed last December according to Britain's Christopher Story.
The NWO/alien agenda includes eliminating about 85% of the world's
population (wars, chemtrails, vaccines, engineered diseases, engineered
hurricanes and earthquakes, etc) so there won't be enough humans left
on the planet to offer any meaningful resistance when the Dracos invasion is in full swing.
The "God" of the NWO and their alien cohorts is Lucifer
and they intend to convert this planet into a Hell on Earth- obedient
to Lucifer. They are attempting to eliminate all expression of
spirituality, morality, honor, integrity, and allegiance to God and the
teachings of Jesus Christ. That's why their Illuminated minions are
working so hard to destroy the Christian religion (the Catholic church is the prime target) and try to convince you that Jesus Christ never even existed.
However, they still need the public's continued ignorance and willful neglect of the warning signs
in order to complete their takeover mission. In order to thwart this
diabolical agenda, we must KNOW the real story and take appropriate
counter action. To that end, you should carefully examine the
information being presented by James Casbolt.
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