Saturday 4 October 2014


Traditional African religion is the oldest religion in the world. Well, this is obvious since Africans are the oldest human beings on earth. African traditional religions led to the system of alchemy founded some fifteen thousand years ago by the first human genius whom Africans described as the "Thrice Greatest." The greatest of all philosophers, the greatest of all priests, the greatest of all kings. His African names included, Thoth, Tehuti and Theuth. The west knows him as Hermes Trismegistus.
He was the world's first "Adept" or "Master" and he created the science of alchemy for the spiritual development of humankind. He built the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in 11,824 BC. It was the very first Pyramid built in Egypt and it served as his shrine and academy. Wise men journeyed from all over the world to study at his feet.
He was considered a personification of wisdom with inexhaustible supply of knowledge, some of which were recorded in about 20,000 books. These were among the 400,000 invaluable African documents destroyed 13,000 years later under the Roman edict of Theodosius in the 4th cent. AD to force European hegamony on the world. A new book just out, titled: The Secrets of the Ages, corrects the European distortions of the authentic history of mankind. The book is considered the most important document ever published and it reveals God's true identity for the first time in human history.
Thoth was immortalised in African myth as the great Anu called Onian in Chapter XV of the Book of the Dead and in the texts of the Pyramids.

Around 5000 BC, Africans of the Nile Valley decided to bring their cultural, traditional, spiritual and other learning (acquired over thousands of years), together under one formal educational arrangement for the spiritual development of mankind. They called what they put together, the Mystery System, a secret order with membership gained only by initiation and pledge to secrecy.
The core doctrine of the system remained as in Thoth"s alchemy, which was the theory of salvation emphasising that the deification of man was the most important object. They believed that the soul of a man if liberated from its bodily fetters could enable him become godlike, see the Gods in this life, attain the beatific vision, and hold communion with the immortals.
African ancestors believed that whatever activity takes place in the world is a reflection of the divine law of ecclesiastical brain. That subtle energy links the physical body with the immortal spirit. That TuSoS was closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet. That the physical and ethereal bodies are not far apart. Vibrational frequencies link them, which could be synchronised.
That there is no Messiah, no mediator to wash our spiritual ignorance away. Spiritual liberation is possible within every man.
The ancients insisted that every man has within him a seed of the infinite indestructible fire energy from which his organism hangs. That only a modicum of TuSoS is bestowed in living organism, the rest is hidden in nature.

This influenced the concept of the Son of the Almighty. Man's invisible spirit force is subject to incarnations, as is man. Our ancestors do not die, their spirits live on for ever.
The individual was trained to be god-like while on earth and at the same time to qualify for everlasting happiness.
Africa totally dominated the world, technically, politically, intellectually, economically, culturally and religiously for thirteen thousand years from the era of the Great Thoth (Hermes), until about 600 BC. African domination of the world reached its greatest height during the reign of Ausar (Osiris), around 4100 BC.
From the Osirian reign, Africans began to civilise the rest of the world in earnest by teaching farming, industrialisation, commerce, religion and how to organise cities and nation states. The first beneciciaries of African civilising missions abroad was Mesopotamia invaded by the Chaldeans who were a group of African Astronomer-priests from Egypt.
Susa in Iran or Elam was founded by Tithonus, king of Ethiopia, Memnon's father, about 4000 BC. Even Biblical account confirms African civilising mission and leadership of Mesopotamia. The Bible tells us the story of Nimrod (Nemrod) son of Kush, grandson of Ham, the ancestor of the blacks who is the symbol of worldly power. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Hence the saying, "Like Nemrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.' The beginning of his kingdom is Babylon, Arach and Akkad, all of them in the land of Sennar. From that region Assur went forth.' The Africans built a replica of the step Pyramids of Saqqara in Egypt, in the Kushite (meaning African) city of Bel. Verses of the Gilgamesh Epic, a Babylonian (Kushite) poem confirms African domination of their world at the time.
Father Enlid, Lord of the countries. Father Enlid, Lord of the true word, Father Enlid, Pastor of the Blacks..........

In this epic, Anu, the primitive god, father of Ishtar, has the same black name as Osiris the Onian: the goddess Ishtar took the floor and spoke to the god Anu, her father.......(verses 92-93).
Several African kings ruled ancient Elam (Iran), including King Kudur Nakunta around 2900 BC, who conquered Chaldea and Babylon and took back treasures to Susa, the capital of his empire, including the famous statue of the goddess of Nana.
The founders of Zoroastrianism, although it was not called by that name then, were the Egyptian (Chaldeans invaders who colonised the region from 4000 BC and used it as a colony of their priests. The colony continued to apply the knowledge of the stars which they brought with them from the homeland (Africa). That is why ' Chaldean' formed the root of the Greek word for astrologer. The tower of Babel, a step Pyramid similar to the tower of Saqqara in Egypt, also known as Birs-Nimroud and temple of Baal, was the astronomical observatory of the Chaldeans. The religion passed through several phases including Albigensianism as its last relic before resurfacing as Zoroastrianism about 2500 years ago.
Zarathustra, the Persian prophet lived at the beginning of the 6th cent. BC, during the religious revolution that swept the world after the Persian sack of Thebes, Egypt in 525 BC. The Greeks couldn't pronounce his name and so changed it to Zoroaster. He it was who purified the ancient Persian religion that now bears his name.
Hinduism began about 3200 BC and was founded by the Dravidians. Large populations of Ethiopians known now in India as the Dravidians invaded India between 3250 and 2750 BC and established a civilisation in the Indus Valley. In fact, the sacred river Ganges in India is named after an Ethiopian king called Emperor Ganges who conquered Asia as far as India. The Dravidians were polytheists who worshipped a number of nature-gods. Elements of their beliefs including the caste system, circumcision, magic, and witchcraft combined with the influence of the Osirian Mystery System of earlier epoch, produced Hinduism.
Prince Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha or the Enlightened One is considered a Dravidian (or African). He was born about 623 BC among the Sakya people probably at their capital Kapilavatthu, now Lumbini in the lowland of Terai in Nepal, dominated then by the Dravidian population. His features, including his thick lips confirm his Dravidian origin.
Unhappy about the corrupt practices in Hinduism and the problem of human suffering which even death could not terminate due to the cycle of life doctrine in Hinduism, Prince Gautama abandoned his privileged palace life, beloved wife and child to look for a spiritual solution to the human cycle of suffering and pains.

Sikhism is a rather recent religious movement founded by Guru Nanak (1469 - 1538 AD). Like Jainism and Buddhism earlier on, it tried to relax the rules in Hinduism and end the rivalry between Hinduism and Islam.
Master K'ung or 'K'ung - futzu (Latinised as Confucius), was black and he was born around 551 BC, in the feudal state of Lu in today's Shantung province of China. He was not too original in his ideas but he was practical, hoping to improve his people's way of life by reforming their feudal leadership. Confucius and Buddha were contemporaries and neither of them was metaphysical or pre-occupied with the notion of God or Gods. Confucius discouraged human sacrifice, a practice prevalent in China at the time.
Moses was the son of Bathia, daughter of Pharaoh Seti I and the Pharaoh himself. The myth about finding baby in a basket in water was quite common at the time, especially in honouring national heroes. The Moses' episode was concocted to allow his parents look after him in the palace as their son without incestuous stigma.
Pharaoh Akhnaton was the first to divert attention from TuSoS, the uncreated creator. Akhnaton marginalised the priests of Amon and installed himself as spiritual and political head of Egypt. This selfish, ill-informed action condemned the African race to the dust bin of history because it exposed Africa to incesant invasion by all and saundary. Without the spiritual energy that provided racial cohesion, comfort and even ensured triumph in earlier epoch the African race did not only become vulnerable, she was helpless to defend herself. Although Akhnaton thought he was introducing the One God concept, he was in reality installing an attribute of the One Source, as God. With Akhnaton's marginalisation of the spiritual strength of the race, it was easy for Moses to aggressively divert World's attention from Tu-SoS, The Ultimate (and or Universal) Source of Spiritual power, the One Source, to a usurper

Tu-SoS is wisdom, cosmic consciousness or intelligence. Tu-SoS is Boundless and Limitless in time and space. Tu-SoS does not ask to be worshipped and is not worshipped by any one in the world. Every soul carries a tiny portion of Tu-SoS within by birthright. In other words, the germ is the Christo. It is left to the individual to let Tu-SoS occupy the individual fully by throughly cleansing his or her temple (body) of all dirt, spiritual or otherwise. The Jews call Tu-SoS, En-Sof who is the Ultimate Source of Universal Power. Africans call the One Source variously Chukwu, Osanobua or Olodumare. Africans do not worship Tu-SoS but the attributes or intermediaries in the guise of Sango, Ogun, Olokun, Amadioha because Tu-SoS is too colossal, too all embracing to define, image or approch directly.
Midianites were Africans from Ethiopia worshipping a God which the rest of the world called Lucifer on one of the eight Sanai mountains. It was a major cult and its chief priest was called Jethro. Jethro was considered the father of witchcraft and he initiated Moses into the cult when Moses was running away from home, Egypt, for committing murder. Moses became the spokesman of the Hebrews and the God of the Midianites promised to take them to a new land he would take from the Africans. The God of the Midianites whom the rest of the world knew as Lucifer became God of the Jews to help them escape from Egypt. The God introduced himself to Moses as YHWH which the Jews translated for ease of pronounciation as Yahweh.
Moses' kabbalism (or esoteric knowledge laced with witchcraft) which he first learnt as a Pharoah in trainning (or Prince of Egypt), was reinforced by the teachings of his father-in-law, Jethro, the renowned Ethiopian magician. Moses adopted his Ten Commandments from the ancient 147 Egyptian laws called the ' Negative Confessions,' and gave the Hebrews credit for African customs, some already quite ancient during his time. One classic example was the adoption of the rite of circumcision, an Egyptian custom, thousands of years old by Moses' day.
Other African customs borrowed by the Hebrews include, the transference of sins to a scapegoat, usually an animal; not eating pig, considering it unclean, but on the other hand using it in religious rites, implying some sanctity of the animal; the Passover Feast which was really an old African custom connected with the celebration of the Spring Equinox and passing over of the Sun from the South to North of the Equator. Libations or sacrificial drinking such as in the Sabbath Evening Service by the Rabbi which is a traditional African practice dating back thousands of years.

Christianity and Islam took their dogmas from the Old Testaments of the Jews. African human personification of God in the Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus 4100 years before Christianity, with Osiris sitting in judgment over the dead, reinforced the human and masculine attributes of the Christian and islamic God (Yahweh), who created man in His image and likeness. Yahweh is Kether, one of Judaism's ten attributes of En-Sof just like the African Sango, Ogun or Olokun are attributes of Tu-SoS, the Supreme Source.

Islam adopted the Jewish, human God, Yahweh and called Him Allah, 500 years after Christianity. Yahweh was the popular reference point at the time but Islam had some doubts so they invested their version of Yahweh with some peculiar traits distinct from those of the Christian God.
Islam rejects the idea of a masculine God and that God could have a son. "Allah forbid that He Himself should beget a son....." Those who say: "The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son preach a monstrous falsehood....." (Koran 19: 29,88). Islam also does not accept the idea of God being a Trinity. "Allah is one and unique (Koran 5:70). But the Islamic God is an anthropomorphic deity who has ears, eyes, mouth, and hears, sees, speaks, knows things, and sits on the throne like the Jewish God Yahweh.
To test Abraham's faith, Yahweh asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Convinced of Abraham's faith, Yahweh allowed him to substitute a ram. Muslims commemorate this event yearly with the killing of rams.
Early Christian religion emphasised the African concept that the germ is the Christo planted in man according to his individual capacity to receive higher wisdom. Paul said so much too: "Know ye not your own selves, now that Jesus Christ is within you? This makes every man the "Son of Tu-SoS, from birth. We all have the Christ within yearning for personal growth. Christ was mythological, not historical. Church Fathers invented historical Jesus Christ some five hundred years after the advent of Christianity to install a Messiah.

During the early stages of Christianity reincarnation was accepted as revealed in Matthew 17: 10-12; 16;13; 11:14 and John 9: 2-3; Revelation 13: 10 and so on. Chruch Fathers condemned this as heresy, several centuries later and planted vicarious atonement in its place.
Africans gave the world the concept of Heaven and Hell, good and evil, truth and lie (deceit) and the feather of truth (i.e that truth is weightless and lie requires several layers of lies to sustain). That righteousness is superior to might and steel. That virtue will be rewarded in Empyrean-abode of blissful spiritual life after death and that our ancestors do not die.
A visitor to Thebes in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt can view the 'inferno' in details (in the tomb of Seti I of the nineteenth Dynasty). Osiris at the tribunal of the dead is indeed the Lord of revealed religions, sitting enthroned on Judgment Day. He is righteous, noble, beyond fault and his brother is god Set, evil personified, who would not obey his own laws, contesting realm of influence (human souls) with his elder brother Ausar.
With the banning of African mysteries in 4 AD and finally in 6 AD, Africans fought back by withdrawing totally into necromancy and witchcraft. As they got increasingly frustrated in their long painful unsuccessful efforts to liberate themselves, they began to turn the venom of their sorcery on each other.
Animism and witchcraft have remained stagnant in form and content since ancient times. Their archaic traditions are still seriously steeped in magic, incantations and bloody sacrifices performed largely in unwholesome surroundings. The methods are generally repulsive to say the least, particularly to the younger generations who out of helplessness and ignorance seek their redemption in their millions through foreign religions.
But can Africans become true Christians and Moslems? Isn't there something in their culture still that rebels against their conquerors imposed adopted traditions. Well, Africans strongly believe in reincarnation. They say that the dead come back or is born again and again. That the spirits of our ancestors live on for ever. And why not? If Tu-SoS is infinite, everything in nature must also be infinite.

Organised religions see re-incarnation in terms of renewed faith in God. They call this born again in Christianity but it is not physical or deeply spiritual. All organised religions accept the African concepts that there is a beginning to the universe and the beginning is Tu-SoS, misinterpreted by organised faiths as God; that although the universe appears infinite, its creator can also terminate it; that Tu-SoS gives, Tu-SoS takes away. Islam dropped the notion of future life and ancestor worship from their canon. Christianity dismissed the beliefs as mere superstition while practicing exorcism and declaring an endless number of apparitions of their Virgin Mary. Africans smell hypocrisy and hang on to their beliefs even as they proclaim themselves devoted Christians and Moslems.
Since Africans cannot fully realize themselves as Arabs or Caucasians however hard they try, and have completely lost their African essence and feeling of self-worth after centuries of slavery, colonial and neocolonial dehumanization and exploitation, they have gradually, in the last five hundred years, forgotten their illustrious pioneering history and stopped seeing themselves as equal to the other races.
With continuing cruching racism against them, despite their nominal status as Arabs and Caucasians through forced religious beliefs, they are confused and lost. Without a vibrant native religion or spiritual movement of their own and without a common tradition to bind, cushion and inspire them as a family, they are unable to mobilize, at least, their intellectual wherewithal for their collective development or make appropriate peculiar impact in the world of ideas. A race without a strong, active, lively spiritual (therefore philosophical) outlook of its own is not only voiceless in world affairs, it is as good as dead.
The potency of genuine African spirituality is not in doubt. There are many charlatans, of course, but our success rate is not low by any means. The mavens or wizards know their onions and can cause rain to fall in a desert out of season with the snap of the fingers; stop bullets in flight with bare hands; instigate still birth or difficult child birth with incantation; vanish into the thin air at the scene of a fracas or involvement in a motor accident; help politicians win elections; turn never-do-wells into overnight millionaires or help them gain promotions at work, but always at a great and painful personal cost to the benefactor.
By and large, ancient spirituality is used for evil and because Africa is the oldest most enduring scene of this, most of the evil spirits of the world seem to have found a permanent home in Africa. Every other race or continent, particularly through metaphysically inspired secret societies, have made some effort in the last two thousand years to adapt their spirituality to the development of the mind except Africa and this is partly responsible for Africa's current backwardness. Africa has not refined her spirituality to match, for instance, what kabalism is doing for the Jews in modern times and that is exactly where The Cradle Family comes in. The Cradle Family is the modern spirituality, the r.eligion if you like, the canon of the black race and its chief priest is Naiwu Osahon, the Ameer spiritual of the black race

More details on this article 
' The African origin of religions' 
are provided in the new book: 
The Secrets of the Ages 
Written by Naiwu Osahon, 
Leader, World Pan-African Movement 

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