Since we live in a predominantly monotheistic realm, due to the spread of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, we generally classify witches under the umbrella of evil. This means even positive witches are considered as evil doers while negative religions are assumed to be good. The universe is a general term for a spiritual realm where the makings of intent are formed. Therefore when someone prays for your downfall or an ill fate to befall you they are just as bad as the witch who casts an evil spell on you. Moreover, a witch who casts a spell for your well being is just as good as anyone who prays for your well being. In order to understand this confusing theory we must first define a witch and then define religion. We must also show the similarities between spells and prayers. Again, we should remember what specific prayers and spells are intended for.
God is defined as a monotheistic deity who forms a Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. When witches cast spells they are addressed to one of many polytheistic Gods or spirits who specializes in what the spell is meant to accomplish. I wont get technical about the existence of God and Satan namely good and evil. Rather I will focus on good intent, bad intent and FREE WILL. Why? Because we know both angels and demons can perform good or evil deeds. However, the twist is when an angel does evil it is assumed that this was warranted to destroy evil while a demon’s good deed is seen as deceit. What I’m saying here is that in my research, not all witches are evil and not all Christians are good. Before I get to the next part of this blog I will upload a video to first establish that Christian witches exist.
When someone offers to pray for you, you must be cautious of that prayer. As I explained in part one, prayers can be spells. You must watch the intent. You have a free will. This is your power. You have the ability to allow a spell or prayer to affect you and you have the power to prevent it’s occurrence. No one is allowed to ask the universe or God to create an outcome, whether good or bad, on your behalf. You have the ability to pray for yourself or ask someone to pray on your behalf. If you trust them, in order for that trusted person to pray for you they need your permission. This is why they would ask you to pray. That state of asking you is a request for your permission. In negative spirituality, the one that defies spiritual ethics prays regardless of your wish. This then violates your free will.
SPIRITUAL ETHICS: this is the code of conduct in spirituality. As I did my extensive research, I saw that there is a difference between prayer of worship and prayer of request. Prayer of worship is what everyone must do. Identify your God and worship. Worship is simply thanking, praising and idolizing God without asking for anything in return. Request prayers are made when one wants God to perform a certain miracle in their favor. This is cool when the request only involves them. Once there are others involved one must first consort with the others to see is their free will is in compatibility with the wish prayed for. If you prayed for someone to get rich who did not wish to be rich, you violate their free will. Let me inform you now that this simple ethic is frequently violated in religion. Especially in splinter Christian denominations that claim God’s will trump your own. They use the power of God’s will as an excuse to trample over your own.
Once they have trampled your will the prayer is no longer positive which makes it as bad as, say… a black magic spell. Your question becomes, how many people are praying in the name of Jesus Christ to obstruct your luck, your wish or for your otherwise natural cause of events to change in their favor? This then leads to fear. The fear of divine retribution. Since they want you to fear that, they use it to convince you to give consent to a prayer for you. Arguing that only God knows what’s best for you. In reality they are the ones who determine your fate. It is very important to know and determine your free will or wish. How many so called spiritualists use the Psalms to convince you that their prayer is in your interest? Witchcraft in religion can be just as effective as an earnest prayer. The problem is you and I do not know the spiritual capability of the person who wishes to say a prayer or convince you to agree to their prayer.
The fool is going to tell you Rene said don’t pray for anyone. The idiot will say Rene has said that all Christians are witches. When this fool tells you that, give him or her a big slap across the face and say “no, Rene said do not pray for someone without first asking them if indeed they want what you are going to pray for.” Tell them Rene said the intent of the person who is praying and the one being prayed for has to be in sync if spiritual ethics are to be adhered to. Why did I say that? Because in my studies I learned that different people have different spiritual capabilities. Hence, I’ve said witchcraft is not evil yet, base on intent, religion can be evil.
I am fully aware of the scriptures strict prohibition of witchcraft, sorcery and consorting with none heavenly spirits. Scripture even warns against talking to dead loved ones. However, this blog is not about what the scripture said not to do. It is about how to take charge of your free will should an evil spiritualist seek to take control of your destiny. So you ask me how can someone take control of your destiny spiritually? My answer to you is through astral projection. Words and intent have power. This is what spells are. Your marriage vow is a spell. Your bible verse is a spell. Your nursery rhyme is a spell. Anything that can be uttered with an intent is a potential spell. Spells are prayers and prayers are very powerful. What’s even more to the fact is when a spell is cast in the astral realm it is ten times more powerful than when you pray in the physical realm.
What is the physical realm? The physical realm is the one in which we currently exist. You and I are born into it. We live in it, eat, sleep, play, party, go to school, go to church or carry out all our physical avocations in it. Until the day we die, we breathe in it. It is one of atoms, gas, mass, gravity, matter and density. It is us in our physical form. What is the astral realm? The astral realm is a spiritual world. We live in it also. This is where souls exit. When you dream your soul leaves your body for a period of time to roam in the astral. The astral world is a timeless, weightless, matter less world where everyone goes after death on earth to await their fate in eternity.
The astral world is not an evil place. Witchcraft and religion are not evil within themselves. It is the person who enters the astral as a witch or a religious patron who has the potential to use it for good or evil. Seeing and communicating with souls, spirits and demons is not an evil gift. It is what one does with it that makes them good or evil. However, it is necessary to be aware that such people with such spiritual gifts do exist in the Church. When once they decide to use their gift against your free will they in fact have the capability to alter your natural cause of fate.
Some people have the capability to enter the astral world while they are still alive in the physical. They go into a room, lay down and literally project into the astral realm where they can roam and perform good or evil deeds that could take effect in the physical. In the astral world are souls, spirits, demons, and angels. Actions are boundless there. The only catch is no one is permitted to violate another person’s free will. This is why I have said be careful who you give consent to pray for you. Beware of someone’s idle prayer.
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