How To Turn Your Android Smartphone Into a Super Spy

Android super spy

James Bond has his own spy gadgets.... Do you have one? If not, don't worry, you can turn your android smartphone into a super spy for completely free! Do you want to know how? Keep reading.....
First, take a look at the things you can do with the tricks mentioned in this article:

  • Monitor a particular place without using expensive security cameras.
  • Secretly record videos.
  • Super hearing.
  • Monitor your smartphone. 
  • Lock apps.
Let's start!

keep an eye on others using android smartphone
 If you want to monitor a person's activities, you don't have to install an expensive security camera in your home or office. You can easily turn your old (working) android phone into a wireless spy camera.

Here is how to do it:

Note: You can only use this trick if you are on a wireless network. Also, make sure the network is secure and password protected.

Let's take a look at the requirements:

  • Android phone.
  • charger (optional).
  • IP Webcam App.
  • Tape or Tripod (optional).
Here is how to monitor a person's activities:
1. Install IP Webcam app on your android phone. (Play Store Link|Mediafire Link)
2. Open the app, you will see a window like this:
spy using ip webcam app
3. Scroll down and tap on "Start Server":
monitor by using IP Webcam server

4. Your mobile camera will start and broadcast the live visuals on an IP address (see the marked area in the below picture):

live visual mobile camera

5. Enter the IP address on a web browser and hit the enter key. You will see a page like this:

IP webcam web interface

5. Click on the "Browser" button. You will see the live visuals from your phone camera there:

IP Webcam Web Interface Video

If you want hear the audio, click on "HTML 5 Wav" button.

6. Tap on the "Actions..." button and then tap on " Run In the Background":

IP webcam-run in background

A dialog box will pop up, tap on "OK, I get it!":

Run In Background Dialog Box

7. Place the mobile where you want to monitor, you can use tripod or tape to get better stability. Then connect the charger to the phone to ensure the phone battery doesn't drain out.

Whenever you want to start monitoring, enter the IP address (mentioned above) in your web browser and hit the enter key.

Let's move onto the next trick...

#2. Record Your Surroundings:

secretly record videos using secret video recorder
Spy your surroundings (image credit:
Imagine, you want to record an incident and you can't record that by opening your default camera application (because others will know you are recording). In such situations, you can use the below-mentioned trick to record whatever you want.

Requirement: Secret Video Recorder app.

Here is how to do it:

1. Download and install Secret Video Recorder app on your android phone. (Play-Store-Link| MediaFire Link)

2. Open it, you will see a window like this:

Secret Video Recorder settings

3. Go to settings (tap on the top-right corner) and change the recording duration to "No Limit".

4. Close the application.

5. Whenever you want to record videos secretly, just tap on the "SVR-Quick record" icon.

When the Secret Video Recorder starts recording, it will display a notification. If you want to stop recording, you can tap on the "SVR-Quick record" icon or the notification.

You can also control the recording by using SMS! Here is how to do it:

1. Open "SVR-Settings", then go to settings > SMS Settings. You will see a window like the below one:

SMS recording spy

2. Enable the SMS recording.

3. Whenever you want to start recording, send the predefined word or sentence to the phone.

Default Values:
  • To start recording using the front camera, send "SVR FRONT" to the smartphone.
  • To start recording using the back camera, send "SVR BACK" to the phone.
  • To stop recording, send "SVR STOP".
Note: You can also change the "SVR-Quick record" icon to "My Book" or "My Email" to make it less suspicious.

Moving onto the next one.. 
#3. Super Hearing:
use your android phone as a super hearing gadget
Super Hearing (image credit:

Yes, you read that right, SUPER HEARING! You can use your android phone as a super hearing gadget.

Things you need:
  • Earphone.
  • Ear Spy app.
1. Download and install Ear Spy app on your android smartphone. (Play Store Link|MediaFire Link)
2. Open it. You will see a window like the one below:

ear spy android app
3. Plug in your earphone to your phone and then tap on the center circle.
4. Plug in the ear buds and then adjust the equalizer sliders to the levels you want to use.

Now, let's move on to the technique #4...

#4. Monitor Your Gadget:

Monitor your device
Monitor Your Gadget (image credit:
I have talked about "Spying on others" in the above tricks, now it's time to spy on your own gadget! 
You may ask why?

The answer is simple, if somebody opens your phone when you are not there, you can know that.

Here is how to monitor your phone:

1. Download and install Who Checks My Phone app on your device. (Play Store Link|MediaFire Link)

2. Open it. you will see a window like this:

Who checks my phone android

3. Enter a passcode, and then confirm it. You will see another window like the below one:

email address on who checks my phone apps

4. Enter your email address and then tap on the "OK" button. You will see the main menu:

Spy apps tutorials

5. Tap on "Log Apps" button to start logging the phone's activities. If you want to take the picture of a person who opens your phone, tap on the "Take Picture" button.

6. Minimize/exit the application. The app will start to log the activities.

Who Checks My Phone app is not a keylogger type program, it can only log app activities.

Whenever you want to see the logs, open the application and then enter the passcode. In the main menu, tap on "View log" button. You will see the logs there:

recording app activities

You can also lock installed applications using the "Who Checks My Phone" app -- go to Main Menu > Lock apps:

Lock Apps

Tap on the lock icon to lock applications. The locked apps will look like this:

Locked App

That's it. I hope you enjoyed reading the article, if you did, feel free to share this article to your friends and followers...

I will talk to you guys in the next article...


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