Wednesday, 5 November 2014
ReneMatiK BLog (Universal Diametrix): My God is Bigger and Better than Yours!
ReneMatiK BLog (Universal Diametrix): My God is Bigger and Better than Yours!: Let's face it: Religion is merely competition. One person or group of people comes up with an interpretation of a giant being or being...
My God is Bigger and Better than Yours!
Let's face it: Religion is merely competition. One person or group of people comes up with an interpretation of a giant being or beings, and then they try to convince themselves and others that such a god person is ABSOLUTE REALITY, shoving their interpretation down everyone else's throats, or, as the case may be, into their minds. Competing books are written and/or compiled as to the nature and desires of this god person, and wars are fought in his name. So it goes, endlessly, as new interpretations are developed and new zealots created.
Rather than ABSOLUTE REALITY, however, since a formed being can never be absolute, because "absolute" includes formlessness and limitlessness, these various god creatures produced by human beings over the past millennia merely represent phallic-like extensions of the humans' own egos and psyches, with which they often violently attempt to penetrate the egos and psyches of others. Few humans have striven to grasp infinity, and no single human being or group has ever been able to completely portray the concept. And what is "God," if not the Infinite and Ineffable? If "God" or the quality of Divinity, is Ineffable, how can any human mind or book contain or express it? Ineffable is by its very definitionindescribable and inexpressible. Hence, whatever interpretations of the Infinite, Ineffable Divine presented by humans are limited and, therefore, erroneous.
To perceive and portray the Infinite and Ineffable as a giant man or father-figure of one ethnicity or another, as interpreted through the limited mind of one individual or group, is more than just plain wrong; it is harmful to the human psyche and evolution. It keeps mankind retarded and childish. It also reduces the Infinite and Ineffable to a vulgar and base creature who is full of human neuroses such as jealousy, competition, retribution and hatred. According to the interpretations often presented by "God"-cheerleaders, "God" says in effect, "Go and spread my noxiousness over the entire earth! Enslave the souls and minds of as many people as you can find to be my (and your) puppets and serfs!"
So the competition continues, because this group and that have varying interpretations of such noxiousness, most of which are far from being divine. From an anthropological perspective, or from that of someone not from this planet, all of this human quarrelling over who knows and represents the biggest and best god/godman appears completely savage and barbaric, like so many hyenas grunting and squealing as they pull apart a carcass. It would also appear quite insulting to the concept of the Infinite and Ineffable, were these qualities able to feel insult. To wit, when a God-cheerleader goes about trying to bludgeon others with his/her "superior" interpretation of the Divine, he or she looks depraved and idiotic to freethinkers who understand that the Infinite and Ineffable cannot be portrayed or represented with any degree of accuracy or beauty through such a mind and ego.
"God," being the Infinite and Ineffable, is everchanging and inexpressible. Anyone who is portraying the Infinite and Ineffable as a formed being, i.e., a giant man of one race or another who is separate and apart from creation, does not truly know the nature of "God" and is, therefore, completely deluded. And, to repeat, those who pretend to represent the Infinite and Ineffable are wrong, and are creating harm upon this planet and the human mind. The next time you are tempted to defend competitively the existence of "God," or to say some silly platitude concerning "his" nature, remember what you will look like to a person who has studied the world's cultures and the widely varied and frequently ridiculous interpretations of the Infinite and Ineffable: foolish, arrogant and uneducated. You are not accurately perceiving or portraying any such god person; you are simply reflecting your own limited mind and experience. You are expressing your own smallness and incompleteness, instead of reaching for the grandeur and boundlessness of the Divine, which can be had and tasted as part of your own being only if you throw away preconceived notions of What Is and evolve into the omnidimensional being that is your true nature.
Do you see how the "my God is bigger than your god" game works? We have just made our God bigger and better than yours. And, hopefully, expanded your mind.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Naiwu Osahon's Theory on who controls our world, God or Satan, and why modern civilization is perpetually sprouting anarchy and is incapable of responding to the good health and progress of mankind:Satan controls our world and modern civilization is based on bare-faced lies. Any evolution so based perches on quicksand. Sooner rather than later, it would begin to self-destruct.
He celebrate his 13 March, 2013, birthday, by revealing one of the most important secrets of the world. It is his theory number nineteen of the nineteen theories contained in his book: THE END OF KNOWLEDGE.
Some of the secrets are very scientific in nature, such as his theory on the origin of things. He tried to reduce Physics to everyday language without too much success. Some secrets cannot be released casually. He have earlier on revealed secret (or my theory) number eighteen, which is that humans were cloned by extraterrestrial beings.
You have now become one of the first humans to know about what perhaps is the most important secrets of mankind, which is that our world is controlled by the Satan. Send this document to every African you can reach. File it so as to take your time to read it carefully to understand it. It is a very important document indeed.
Yahweh manipulates the naive, infantile, gullible, human race, by planting in them, the notion that He is the Almighty God, to usurp the Almighty's role, to control our world. Yahweh took over the leadership of the 'Falling Angels' group from his father, Lucifer El Elyon. Yahweh is evil personified, he is Satan from the depth of Hell, and he has been in control of our world for over 3,000 years, and particularly, since he adopted Moses as his agent/mouthpiece on Earth.
In the year 4,000 BCE, an aggressive faction emerged from within the Extraterrestrial Anu race that cloned us, to try to fast-track human development by placing emphasis on the acquisition of technological skills to the detriment of the spiritual. Ancient records confirm that in 4,000 BCE, a supernova explosion occurred that was of great significance to the world because it heralded the arrival and visit of the leader of the alien visitors, God Anu, (the ancestor of the Blacks, and therefore of mankind), to the captain of his spaceship on earth, El Elyon. The team on earth fell out of favour with God Anu, their leader, during the visit, because it was teaching humans, our current evil ways, and sleeping with our daughters, to beget giants, as claimed in the Bible. This angered their leader, God Anu, causing the El Elyon rebels to be declared outcasts from 'Heaven,' their natural planetary home.
The 'Falling Angels' were kicked out of heaven. The term used in religious circles is 'The Fall.' Another reference to the fall is, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.” - Isaiah 14:12.
“…..It is claimed that, after Lucifer fell from Heaven, he brought with him the power of thinking as a gift for mankind….” Read Fred Gittings in Symbolism in Occult Art. 'The Fall, led to the emergence of their respective earth representatives, Gods Ausar/Heru for God Anu, and Seth for Lucifer El Elyon.
The success and popularity of Pharaoh Ausar from about 4100 BCE, around the world created envy in his junior brother Set (Seth), who with 72 others, conspired to have Ausar killed. Seth gave the notion of the devil, (or Seth), to the world. Seth deceived Ausar at a party, (which Seth had arranged, and they were all having a good time), to test his body shape in, unknown to Ausar, his carefully made to measure (body-shaped) coffin. Others tried to fit in before Ausar but it did not fit them since it was shaped to fit Ausar alone. Seth quickly nailed and soldered the coffin with Ausar in it, and had it thrown into the River Nile under the cover of darkness. Of course, Ausar died from suffocation thus ending the era of peace, prosperity and harmony in the world.
Auset was devastated by the sad news of what happened to her brother and husband, and could not be consoled. She vowed not to rest until she found the body of her beloved husband. While Auset, with a lock of her hair cut off, and wearing mourning clothes, combed the delta region of the Nile in search of Ausar's body, Seth usurped the throne and unleashed a reign of terror on the land and people of Khemit and the world. Land owners became tenants, employers became employees.
Divine laws were repealed and law and order broke down everywhere.
Robbers, sexual perverts, assassins, reigned supreme.
Seth did not respect his own laws. Auset, hiding from Seth's wrath, became a fugitive in the swamps of Lower Khemit. She eventually found Ausar's coffin in Byblos, a port city in Southern Syria. The king of Southern Syria had appropriated it. The queen of Southern Syria persuaded the king to let Auset have the chest. Auset wrapped the body of Ausar in linen anointed with myrrh, and took it back to Khemit where, according to Pyramid texts 632 and 1636, and murals at Abydos and Philae, she caused wind to raise Ausar's dead phallus, and sat on it to receive his seed to conceive Heru. This is the origin of the 'Virgin Birth in the world, (i.e. the Ghost of God Ausar, impregnating human Auset)
Heru as an adult was encouraged by his father's worshippers to take back the throne of Khemit from Seth. The war was bitter and many of Heru's followers were slaughtered at Edfu. Heru eventually defeated Seth and handed him as prisoner to the Queen mother Auset to execute judgment. She let Seth go free on the grounds that they were a family. Ausar's body was mummified and the ceremony of 'Opening the Mouth' was performed by Tehuti, Auset and Heru, which brought Ausar back to life. This is the origin of resurrection in all religions.
Ausar was crowned Judge and king of the Dead, (the origin of God sitting in judgment over the dead), and Heru became the king of the living.
Moses was an incestuous child. Obviously, Pharaoh Seti I and his daughter (around 1300 BCE), contrived the abandoned baby in basket scenario, to avoid incestuous stigma, and create the opportunity to look after Moses, their son, in the palace. He went into the Lodge, (the Mystery System), at age 7 and could not have come out until aged 47, because it required 40 years to train as a priest in all the disciplines. It appears Moses first preached his adaptation of Akhnaton's religion to his people, the Egyptians, and found few followers. He then turned to the Hebrews who were more receptive especially after Moses had killed one of his own, (an Egyptian), in defence of a Hebrew.
Moses, at about the age of 47, ran away from his father, Pharaoh Seti I, for committing murder. His brother Aaron ran away with him because he was charged with stealing from the Pharaoh's treasury. Moses escaped to the Midianites on one of the Sinai hills for succour, protection, and witchcraft powers, against his imaginary pursuers.
Midianites were Ethiopians, worshipping a number of Deities or Gods, the principal one being El Elyon, who the Bible claimed was Lucifer.
The Midianites' chief priest was called Jethro, considered to be a father of witchcraft because of his spiritual prowess and awesome cult. Moses ended up spending some 20 years in the desert with Jethro, who initiated Moses into his cult and gave Moses one of his daughters in marriage. The marriage was blessed with two children.
All three, (wife and two sons), are lost to Jewish history, because they did not fit into later Jewish religious politics.
Moses said it was El Elyon, who divided nations (of the world), and shared them among the gods, (or sons of God). That the nation, allotted by El Elyon to Yahweh, (a junior deity, or son of Lucifer El Elyon), was Israel. Give ear O heavens, and I will speak and let the earth hear the words of my mouth. Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations, ask your father and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you. When El Elyon, (the Most High), gave to the nations their inheritance. When he separated the sons of men he fixed the bounds of the peoples, according to the number of the sons of God. For Yahweh's portion is his people, Jacob (Israel), his allotted heritage.
Moses himself claimed that his Midianites' deity gave his name as YHWH pronounced as Yahweh, and that El Elyon, the chief of the Midianites'
deities was the father, and therefore superior to Yahweh. Moses said Yahweh introduced himself as the god of, (his followers), the Hebrews.
Moses could not have used capital letter 'G' in God, for Yahweh, because he knew that that was reserved for Lucifer El Elyon. Yahweh proudly called himself a tribal god. Moses claimed that Yahweh said:
“I'm the god of your fathers, the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac, and the god of Jacob,” Exodus 3:6,15. Notice that god Yahweh, did not say he was the 'God' of mankind, or even of the Africans, who in the guise of the Midianites, first brought his cult into being.
Yahweh unleashed mayhem on Egypt for rendering Moses a fugitive outcast on the run. Yahweh sent Egypt a plague of blood. “…He struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was changed into blood. The fish in the Nile died and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water. Blood was everywhere in Egypt,” Exodus 7:20,21. Then he sent plagues of frogs, Exodus 8:6; gnats, Exodus 8:16; swarms of flies… 'I will make a distinction between my people and your people,' Yahweh said, Exodus 8:22,24; '…. livestock on the field……your horses and donkeys and camels and cattle, sheep and goat'
(whatever these animals did to upset this tribal God), 'I will make a distinction……so that no animal belonging to the Israelite s will die,'
Exodus 9:4. Yahweh plagued Africans with boils … that were on them
and on all the Egyptians, Exodus 9:10. “……by now I could have struck you with a plague that would wipe you off the earth……to show you my power… (I wonder if the 'Universal' God needed to boast about showing his power). …….by this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm that has ever fallen on Egypt,” Exodus 9:13-19. So Yahweh sent the plagues of locust, Exodus 10:13; of darkness, Exodus 10:21, and finally of firstborn, Exodus 11:5. The true 'Universal' God of Creation would not have been so vindictive and merciless against his own creation.
Yahweh claimed to hate the Amorites, Philistines, Canaanites, Jebusites, (all Blacks), and Hittites (Whites), and the rest of mankind, and threatened to wipe them off the face of the earth so as to give their land to his children, the Israelites.
Yahweh was not only prepared to dispossess others of their properties for the Hebrews, he encouraged his adopted children to indulge in stealing and other immoral acts. Towards the end of the Hebrew's 400 years sojourn in Egypt in 1230 BCE, when they had grown in number to be a sizable percentage of the population, Moses was already some 70 years old. On the eve of the Hebrews' departure from Egypt, after failing to overwhelm the Pharaoh with a series of plagues, including the killing of every first born of men and animals, (Exodus Chapters 7-11), he ordered the Hebrews to slaughter innocent babies, old men and women, found in the captured city. Do not “spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant, and suckling,” (I Sam, 15:3).
Moses, being an Egyptian priest who rebelled against the established religion of his people, was not missed when he finally emigrated with his followers from Egypt through the Sinai desert in 1230 BCE. The period experienced a great deal of migrations in and out of Egypt, anyway. The Bible says that 600,000 men left with Moses, which according to Haushoffer, meant a total of 3,154,000 men, women, and children, all Black, from being Canaanites and crossbreeding with African Egyptians.
To an offence by the Hebrews in the wilderness, Yahweh threatened:
“Let me alone that my wrath may burn hot against them, and I may consume them, (Exodus 32:10). Moses begged him not to, because Egypt would use it to mock him. He changed his mind and allowed peace to reign until his children were discouraged by the report of the spies sent to survey the land promised them. Yahweh threatened again to kill all the Hebrews in the wilderness. Moses again persuaded him against the action, like one would do to a five-year-old child. “Now if thou does kill this people as one man, then the nations who have heard thy name will say, because the Lord was unable to bring this people into the land he swore to give to them therefore he has slain them in the wilderness, (Numbers 14:15).
When Moses himself annoyed Yahweh by striking the rock two times rather than speak to get water, as Yahweh had instructed, there was no one to intervene for Moses this time. Yahweh vowed he would only allow Moses to see the 'Promised Land' with his eyes from a distance and not to enter it. People saw him die, but could not account for his body. Yahweh killed Moses and apparently appropriated his body for his extraterrestrial race experiments. General Joshua took charge and led the Exodus from about 1220 BCE. Only 2 original Egyptian Jews, out of the over 3 million that left Egypt with Moses, arrived in 1190 BCE, along with the Jews born en-route, to the 'Promised land,'
The Jews sold Devil Yahweh as God to Europe, who went around the world selling the idol as the Almighty God, at gun point, while describing their victims as idol worshippers, and littering their civilization with a trail of blood. They unleashed unprovoked invasions of other nations, slaughtering women, men and children, in their thousands, in the name of Yahweh. The crusades, the slave trade, the massacre of American Indians, the first and second World wars, apartheid, the on-going slaughter in Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, and the mindless forfeiture of lives of thousands of unlucky youths, Black and White, in civil wars around the world, litter Western civilization.
Organized religions seem to know this; definitely the Pope and other Church leaders know that the Hebrews sold them a devil to worship.
They claim that Satan brought evil to mankind, and their Holy book is not ambiguous about who the devil is. The Bible proudly describes Yahweh as Satan, meaning, that Pope Benedict XVI or his successor, is the earthly representative of the 'Devil,' and that the Vatican is another name for the Devils' Den (or conclave).
Yahweh the perfect being, did all of the following: He created evil (Lam. 3: 38, Jer. 26: 3, Ezek. 20: 25 – 26, Judges 9: 3, 1, Sam. 16:
23, 18: 10); He deceived (Jer. 4: 10, 15: 18, 20: 7, 2, Chron 18: 22, Ezek. 14: 9, 2Thess. 2: 9 – 12); He told people to lie (Ex. 3: 18, 1Sam. 16: 2); He lied (Gen. 2: 17, 2Sam. 7: 13); He rewarded liars (Ex. 1: 15 – 20); He ordered men to become drunken (Jer. 25: 27); He rewarded the fool and the transgressor (Prov. 26: 10); He mingled a perverse spirit (Isa. 19: 14); He spread dung on people's faces
(Mal.2: 3); He ordered stealing (Ezek. 39: 10, Ex 3: 22); He made false prophesies (Jonah 3: 4, Gen. 5: 10); He changed his mind (Jonah
3: 10); He caused adultery (2 Sam. 12: 11 – 12); He ordered the taking of a harlot (Hosea 1: 2, 3:1 – 2); He killed (Num. 16: 35, 21:
6, Deut. 32: 39, 1Sam. 2: 26, Psalm 135: 10); He ordered killing (Lev. 26: 7 – 8, Num. 25: 4 – 5); He had a temper (Deut. 13: 17, Judges 3: 8); He was often jealous (Deut. 5: 9,6: 15); He wasn't omnipresent (Gen. 4: 16, 11: 5, 1Kings 19: 11 – 12); He wasn't omniscient (Deut. 8: 2, 13: 3, 2Chron. 32: 31); He often repented ( Ex. 4: 22 – 23, Joshua 22: 20, Rom. 5: 12); He played favourites ( Deut. 7: 6, 14: 2, 1Sam. 12: 22); He sanctioned slavery ( Ex. 21: 20 – 21, Deut. 15: 17); He degraded deformed people (Lev. 21: 16 – 23).
He punished a bastard for being illegitimate (Deut. 23: 2); He punished many for the acts of one (Gen. 3: 16, 20: 18); He punished children for the sins of their fathers (Ex. 12: 29, 20: 5, Deut. 5:
9); He prevented people from hearing his word (Isa. 6: 10, John 12:
39 – 40). He supported human sacrifice (Ex. 22: 29 – 30, Ezek. 20:
26); He ordered cannibalism (Lev. 26: 29, Jer. 19: 9); He demanded virgins as a part of war plunders (Num. 31: 31 – 36); He ordered gambling (Joshua 14: 2, Num. 26: 52, 55 – 56); He ordered horses to
be hamstrung (Joshua 11: 6). He sanctioned violation of the enemy's
women (Deut 21: 10 – 14); He excused the beating of slaves to death (Ex. 21: 20 – 21); He required a woman to marry her rapist (Deut. 22:
28: 29); He taught war (Psalm 144: 1); He ordered the burning of human faeces to cook food (Ezek. 21: 3 – 5); He intentionally issued bad laws (Ezek. 20: 25); He excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers (Hosea 4: 14); He excused a murderer and promised his protection (Gen. 4: 8 – 15); He killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law (Gen. 38: 9 – 10); and He is indecisive ( Gen. 18: 17).
No criminal in the histoy of the world has a record to match Yahweh's sins. Ingersoll's Works in (Some Mistakes of Moses) says: “A false friend, an unjust judge, a braggart, a hypocrite and tyrant, sincere in hatred, jealous, vain and revengeful, false in promise, honest in curse, suspicious, ignorant, infamous and hideous – such is the God of the Pentateuch. Thomas Paine in (The Age of Reason) says: “All our ideas of the justice and goodness of God revolt at the impious cruelty of the Bible. It is not God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes. Thomas Paine in (The life and Works of): “A book so full of contradictions and wickedness could not be the Word of God and …we dishonour God by ascribing it to him
The Bible goes further to tell us that Satan Yahweh was daft too. He had no fore-knowledge of things that would happen in future, nor could he foresee the consequences of his action. Often he was sorry after the event turned out to be contrary to his expectation. Yahweh could not foresee Saul disobeying him after making Saul king of Israel. “I regret having made Saul king for he has turned away from me and has not carried out my order,” (I Sam 15: 10.11). Saul's problem was his refusal to go to the city of Amalek to destroy everybody and everything he found there, adult humans, babies, animals, etc. Yahweh saw that the wickedness of 'man' was great on earth, and that the thought of his heart fashioned nothing but wickedness all day-long.
“I will rid the earth's face of man, my own creation (Gen. 6: 5-7).
But it was Yahweh that taught humans to be wicked. Yahweh killed Uzzah for trying to prevent the 'Ark of God from falling down when the oxen carrying it stumbled. No sane person would kill for such a reason but gods are probably not governed by mere rationality. “And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and 'God' smote him there because he put forth his hand to the Ark, and he died there besides the Ark of God,” (2 Sam 6:6-7). There are many more incredible passages in the Bible, some describing their Supreme Deity as a ruthless, blood thirsty, arrogant tyrant.
Yahweh's Church was established on such cruel and inhuman bobby-trap cushion of thorns, laced with monumental narrowness of mind, maintaining the impossible to be true, and insisting that the records they present were divinely inspired. What sane people find difficult to fathom, however, is why, after admitting that Yahweh is Satan, the Church is still deceiving the world that Lucifer's son, Jesus, anointed as the chosen son by his father, Satan Yahweh, is a saint.
Church goers seem confused about the following seemingly contradictory Bible statements: Matthew 28:18 Jesus says: "All power is given to [me] in heaven and [in earth]," and in I John 5:19 Yahweh God says:
"The whole world in [under control] of the [evil one]." The truth is that, Satan Yahweh and his Bible have been consistent that Jesus, the son of Devil Yahweh, is not a saint. Jesus himself claims: in Luke.
12: 51-53, that he came to the world not to bring peace but to cause division and discord among people.
The Church fathers have obviously been trying to be too clever by half and they have gotten away with their lies for nearly 2000 years. Their elite think tank and warrior cult for Jesus is called the Jesuit, and Jesuit means a person who makes clever secret plans to deceive people.
The Bible is the greatest, all-encompassing, most devastating, con document, in the history of the world. It has succeeded in bringing the human race down to the knees, begging Yahweh endlessly 24/7 not to be wiped off the face of the earth.
By 1955, mutilated human and animal bodies were being picked up around the USA. Also, there was strong indication that the aliens were manipulating masses of people through secret societies, religions, witchcraft, and occult. It seemed too that the aliens were interacting with the Soviets, in violation of their treaty with the United States of America. To examine the evidence and unravel the truth, President Eisenhower, under secret Executive Memorandum NSC55 11, in 1954, commissioned Project Quantico. Quantico Marine Base was where the study group first met and they adopted their name from it. Well-known international figures among the 35 members of the group included, Dr.
Henry Kissinger and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as Study Directors. Gordon Dean was Chairman, and David Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study. Rockefeller later built a secret retreat, code-named the Country Club, for the group. The retreat could only be reached by air. When the aliens were confronted with the Quantico group's findings, they said their genetic structure was deteriorating and that their action was necessary for their survival as a race.
They also said that they (aliens), created us through genetic engineering and continued manipulation in a laboratory, and that they had been controlling us through religion, Satanism, witchcraft, magic, and the occult. Project Quantico publicly wound up in 1956, and in 1957, Henry Kissinger submitted the group's findings, camouflaged under the titled, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, to the President. The report confirmed that the aliens were definitely using humans and animals for hormonal and glandular secretion, blood plasma, enzymes, and possibly in genetic experiments. On the issue of witchcraft and the Fatima prophecy, the link between the Church and the Secret Societies as cunning devises to perpetrate alien hegemony on the world was made manifest. Fatima experience was a mask. The report warned that the alien presence must not be revealed because this would lead to economic and religious collapse, national panic, and anarchy.
Yahweh threatened to burn the earth down if Russia refuses to accept Jesus Christ and capitalism. Yahweh has declared war without end on Islam, for partially accepting him and totally rejecting Jesus. He insists that the whole world must dance to the tune of Jesus Christ, while at the same time admitting to me that Jesus and all modern religions are fake contraptions by him. (See 'The end of knowledge,'
page 625.
Perhaps it should be noted here that this group of aliens, (whose leader is Yahweh, like our elite, the American government and the Pope, controlling our lives, have no respect for the vows and agreements they reach with the gentiles. While Yahweh is busy on several fronts, trying to destroy the human race and the world, he has turned the earth into a zoo, and humans, not only into ninnies, but the dumbest and easiest animals in his zoo to programme. Humans have stopped using their brains, leaving thinking entirely to the Bible and other religious books, and since the Yahweh we have surrendered our lives and everything else to, is the devil himself, is it any wonder that our world today is a chaotic mess, a heavily mined war field, the hell's inferno, with the Satan's home, at the Bermuda Triangle, at hell's depth.
Perhaps it should be noted here that this group of aliens, (whose leader is Yahweh, like our elite, the American government and the Pope, controlling our lives, have no respect for the vows and agreements they reach with the gentiles. While Yahweh is busy on several fronts, trying to destroy the human race and the world, he has turned the earth into a zoo, and humans, not only into ninnies, but the dumbest and easiest animals in his zoo to programme. Humans have stopped using their brains, leaving thinking entirely to the Bible and other religious books, and since the Yahweh we have surrendered our lives and everything else to, is the devil himself, is it any wonder that our world today is a chaotic mess, a heavily mined war field, the hell's inferno, with the Satan's home, at the Bermuda Triangle, at hell's depth.
The world is in a mess because its lie-based religions and fault-ridden devilish God, thrives on endless mayhem. History of the world is degraded by monumental falsehood, and Yahweh's sponsors'
policies and programmes are notorious for dare-devil thievery, exploitation, and deep rooted bigotry. All that Yahweh has to show for his rule in the last two thousand years, for instance, are ghoulish experiences from attritional, internecine and fratricidal wars. The Hellenistic, Persian and Holy wars, the 1st and 2nd World wars, the
1000 years war, the Vietnam and the Middle East wars, the American Civil wars, the Burundian and the Peloponnesian wars etc, all apparently designed to decimate the human race. The world has become so soulless and caught up in the web of hate, spiritual and physical disunity and frustration that going gay has become the swan song as a means of wiping out the human race quickly.
There is no love lost between family members on the one hand or between them and their neighbours. Syrian leader extinguishes lives of thousands of innocent fellow citizens to cling to power and rule over corpses. Countries go to war over even just one inch of dirt track border land. Nature cannot be deceived for too long; climate change is a veritable symptom of modern civilization's decaying process. The pretty bubbles have begun to explode in our faces.
Mankind is already catching hell here on earth as it is.
With Yahweh's Church fathers' Western economies collapsing; governments and institutions moribund; populations aging dangerously (with less than 20% below age 16) and marrying same sex or dogs; they have obviously booked their one way tickets out of existence, and cannot be trusted with writing the Bible for the living. They have run out of ideas if they ever had any but lies. If they tell you to run, standstill, and if they say eat, starve. We must break out of their suicidal cocoon and save them against themselves because as in origin, so now, the future of the human race is the responsibility of the African as the first born, to restore, repair, nurture and guide, to holistic and robust fulfillment for all of the human race.
NAIWU OSAHON Hon. Khu Mkuu (Leader) World Pan-African Movement); Spiritual Prince of the African race; MSc. (Salford); Dip.M.S; G.I.P.M; Dip.I.A (Liv.); D. Inst. M; G. Inst. M; G.I.W.M; A.M.N.I.M.
Poet, Author of the magnum opus: 'The end of knowledge'. One of the world's leading authors of children's books; Awarded; key to the city of Memphis, Tennessee, USA; Honourary Councilmanship, Memphis City Council; Honourary Citizenship, County of Shelby; Honourary Commissionership, County of Shelby, Tennessee; and a silver shield trophy by Morehouse College, USA, for activities to unite and uplift the African race.
Naiwu Osahon, Sage: New World Order, renowned author, philosopher of science, mystique, leader of the world Pan-African Movement. .
We are in the middle of a new era, blooming and dawning, waking us to a spiritual evolution never seen before on this planet. The vibrational energies available to us are charged with holy light and astounding in their capabilities to heal and sustain us through these changes. We are learning how to process, understand and tap into their secrets. Here are 11 ways you can consciously raise your vibration to reach these higher energies.
11 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Raise Your Vibration Tip #1 Own your personal soul themes. When you are able to see the patterns, the lessons, the synchronicities that are this human life on Earth your soul themes will come bursting through. They will kick your butt at every turn in life if you refuse to face them. You may have themes of compassion, charity, understanding, mentoring, relationships, etc. that challenge you until you release the resistance to distance yourself from facing your own fears. You will find out that once you face them, they become miniscule compared to your fear.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #2 Forgiving, letting go, and learning how to live in the now. As we get older, we have so much more to process. We had experiences that have changed us, stunned us, and left us in awe, sometimes desperate in our need. When we understand how to learn from those things and keep moving forward without attaching ourselves to the negativity or judging ourselves for having human emotions, we rise up in spirit. See yourself as a survivor and never as a victim. Help to lift others up who have been where you were when you needed to forgive. Know that you have a purpose in reaching out to help others heal.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #3 Remembering every day you are alive on this planet, that you are a soul, a light being lives inside your body, you are a miracle! You were created in love. You can fill yourself with divine energy at any time. Your soul very much wants you to remember this in everything you do and everywhere you go, you are pure energy. The whole Universe and those beyond are filled with pure radiant beautiful light filled energy. Send out love to every living being and know that love will always surround you.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #4 Practice meditation to open your chakra centers! It gives you the ability to fill them with light that is felt physically, mentally and emotionally. Healing Light Vibrational Energy is created through practice. This transmits waves of energy that assist in spirit communication, heightened intuition and the ability to heal the body by touch or close proximity to the energy, hitherto healing others as well.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #5 The amazing phenomenon of seeing energy fields around you. In nature; mountain ranges, beaches, open waters are an amazing way to help your human eyes adjust to seeing energy fields. They exist everywhere but in certain areas on Earth the energy is vibrating at miraculous levels. It can be felt by most people the minute they step into one but it can also be seen from great distances away. Things will “glow” the way they actually do with spiritual eyes. This is how souls who have transcended to light describe Heaven. It is glowing with light!
Raise Your Vibration Tip #6 Looking for the beauty in everything. Notice the things you may have never seen before. The beauty in nature, people, art, objects, the color of the sky, a full moon. Appreciation for the things people create which inspire us, transform and heal us. You will begin to see the colorful energy auras around people, places and things. Stepping outside of ourselves and truly seeing the beauty which our Creator has provided to us anytime we feel lost or lonely, needing hope and inspiration. Seeing the bigger picture. Everything has an aura.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #7 Remembering to explore, question and be curious. Seeing life as an adventure of the eternal soul. I’ve been here before, I may be here again and I want to learn, grow, travel, resonate and be! Having enthusiasm for the life you came here to live and purpose you came to fulfill. Acceptance of other races, religions, cultures, loving humanity and accepting your own evolution and ascension.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #8 Knowing you have spiritual assistance at all times. Work on the connections between you and your spirit guides, healing guides, ascended masters and angels. The spiritual consciousness is very much alive inside these radiant beings that assist us in these lives we chose to live out here. Their love, guidance, and protection is the Universe saying, “I’ve got your back!”
Raise Your Vibration Tip #9 Protecting your personal energy fields. Setting boundaries, learning to transmute and channel energy. Setting the energy field around you to deflect and dissipate negativity. Learn how to heighten and change the frequency for healing and intuition. Knowing the ways you can read the energy of others, recognize control dramas between people and be a peacemaker in delicate situations. How to bring down frantic situations to the balance point and shielding from psychic attacks and those who are energy drains or “psychic vampires” as they are described.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #10 Taking good care of your body, mind and soul through positive actions. Proper nutrition, exercise, healthy thoughts, having a support system around you. All these things help you to keep grounded and help your channels keep clear–open to receive. Super foods that are filled with anti-oxidants, natural vitamins and minerals give the body a huge defense system over all the chemicals and pollutants that exist in our world. They help to protect you from aging, memory loss, depression and anxiety naturally. Your body will always respond to eating well, exercising and the daily ritual of meditation for cleansing and clarity.
Raise Your Vibration Tip #11 Belief in Miracles! The unseen force which brings us light, healing and endless LOVE can create and manifest your reality. It overcomes and overtakes all that holds you back. It takes away fear and brings in courage. Knowing that anything and everything is possible because it is created in pure love energy. What is changing and will continue to evolve this planet into a new era, we have only begun to imagine.
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Traditional African religion is the oldest religion in the world. Well, this is obvious since Africans are the oldest human beings on earth. African traditional religions led to the system of alchemy founded some fifteen thousand years ago by the first human genius whom Africans described as the "Thrice Greatest." The greatest of all philosophers, the greatest of all priests, the greatest of all kings. His African names included, Thoth, Tehuti and Theuth. The west knows him as Hermes Trismegistus.
He was the world's first "Adept" or "Master" and he created the science of alchemy for the spiritual development of humankind. He built the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in 11,824 BC. It was the very first Pyramid built in Egypt and it served as his shrine and academy. Wise men journeyed from all over the world to study at his feet.
He was considered a personification of wisdom with inexhaustible supply of knowledge, some of which were recorded in about 20,000 books. These were among the 400,000 invaluable African documents destroyed 13,000 years later under the Roman edict of Theodosius in the 4th cent. AD to force European hegamony on the world. A new book just out, titled: The Secrets of the Ages, corrects the European distortions of the authentic history of mankind. The book is considered the most important document ever published and it reveals God's true identity for the first time in human history.
Thoth was immortalised in African myth as the great Anu called Onian in Chapter XV of the Book of the Dead and in the texts of the Pyramids.
Around 5000 BC, Africans of the Nile Valley decided to bring their cultural, traditional, spiritual and other learning (acquired over thousands of years), together under one formal educational arrangement for the spiritual development of mankind. They called what they put together, the Mystery System, a secret order with membership gained only by initiation and pledge to secrecy.
The core doctrine of the system remained as in Thoth"s alchemy, which was the theory of salvation emphasising that the deification of man was the most important object. They believed that the soul of a man if liberated from its bodily fetters could enable him become godlike, see the Gods in this life, attain the beatific vision, and hold communion with the immortals.
African ancestors believed that whatever activity takes place in the world is a reflection of the divine law of ecclesiastical brain. That subtle energy links the physical body with the immortal spirit. That TuSoS was closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet. That the physical and ethereal bodies are not far apart. Vibrational frequencies link them, which could be synchronised.
That there is no Messiah, no mediator to wash our spiritual ignorance away. Spiritual liberation is possible within every man.
The ancients insisted that every man has within him a seed of the infinite indestructible fire energy from which his organism hangs. That only a modicum of TuSoS is bestowed in living organism, the rest is hidden in nature.
This influenced the concept of the Son of the Almighty. Man's invisible spirit force is subject to incarnations, as is man. Our ancestors do not die, their spirits live on for ever.
The individual was trained to be god-like while on earth and at the same time to qualify for everlasting happiness.
Africa totally dominated the world, technically, politically, intellectually, economically, culturally and religiously for thirteen thousand years from the era of the Great Thoth (Hermes), until about 600 BC. African domination of the world reached its greatest height during the reign of Ausar (Osiris), around 4100 BC.
From the Osirian reign, Africans began to civilise the rest of the world in earnest by teaching farming, industrialisation, commerce, religion and how to organise cities and nation states. The first beneciciaries of African civilising missions abroad was Mesopotamia invaded by the Chaldeans who were a group of African Astronomer-priests from Egypt.
Susa in Iran or Elam was founded by Tithonus, king of Ethiopia, Memnon's father, about 4000 BC. Even Biblical account confirms African civilising mission and leadership of Mesopotamia. The Bible tells us the story of Nimrod (Nemrod) son of Kush, grandson of Ham, the ancestor of the blacks who is the symbol of worldly power. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Hence the saying, "Like Nemrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.' The beginning of his kingdom is Babylon, Arach and Akkad, all of them in the land of Sennar. From that region Assur went forth.' The Africans built a replica of the step Pyramids of Saqqara in Egypt, in the Kushite (meaning African) city of Bel. Verses of the Gilgamesh Epic, a Babylonian (Kushite) poem confirms African domination of their world at the time.
Father Enlid, Lord of the countries. Father Enlid, Lord of the true word, Father Enlid, Pastor of the Blacks..........
In this epic, Anu, the primitive god, father of Ishtar, has the same black name as Osiris the Onian: the goddess Ishtar took the floor and spoke to the god Anu, her father.......(verses 92-93).
Several African kings ruled ancient Elam (Iran), including King Kudur Nakunta around 2900 BC, who conquered Chaldea and Babylon and took back treasures to Susa, the capital of his empire, including the famous statue of the goddess of Nana.
The founders of Zoroastrianism, although it was not called by that name then, were the Egyptian (Chaldeans invaders who colonised the region from 4000 BC and used it as a colony of their priests. The colony continued to apply the knowledge of the stars which they brought with them from the homeland (Africa). That is why ' Chaldean' formed the root of the Greek word for astrologer. The tower of Babel, a step Pyramid similar to the tower of Saqqara in Egypt, also known as Birs-Nimroud and temple of Baal, was the astronomical observatory of the Chaldeans. The religion passed through several phases including Albigensianism as its last relic before resurfacing as Zoroastrianism about 2500 years ago.
Zarathustra, the Persian prophet lived at the beginning of the 6th cent. BC, during the religious revolution that swept the world after the Persian sack of Thebes, Egypt in 525 BC. The Greeks couldn't pronounce his name and so changed it to Zoroaster. He it was who purified the ancient Persian religion that now bears his name.
Hinduism began about 3200 BC and was founded by the Dravidians. Large populations of Ethiopians known now in India as the Dravidians invaded India between 3250 and 2750 BC and established a civilisation in the Indus Valley. In fact, the sacred river Ganges in India is named after an Ethiopian king called Emperor Ganges who conquered Asia as far as India. The Dravidians were polytheists who worshipped a number of nature-gods. Elements of their beliefs including the caste system, circumcision, magic, and witchcraft combined with the influence of the Osirian Mystery System of earlier epoch, produced Hinduism.
Prince Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha or the Enlightened One is considered a Dravidian (or African). He was born about 623 BC among the Sakya people probably at their capital Kapilavatthu, now Lumbini in the lowland of Terai in Nepal, dominated then by the Dravidian population. His features, including his thick lips confirm his Dravidian origin.
Unhappy about the corrupt practices in Hinduism and the problem of human suffering which even death could not terminate due to the cycle of life doctrine in Hinduism, Prince Gautama abandoned his privileged palace life, beloved wife and child to look for a spiritual solution to the human cycle of suffering and pains.
Sikhism is a rather recent religious movement founded by Guru Nanak (1469 - 1538 AD). Like Jainism and Buddhism earlier on, it tried to relax the rules in Hinduism and end the rivalry between Hinduism and Islam.
Master K'ung or 'K'ung - futzu (Latinised as Confucius), was black and he was born around 551 BC, in the feudal state of Lu in today's Shantung province of China. He was not too original in his ideas but he was practical, hoping to improve his people's way of life by reforming their feudal leadership. Confucius and Buddha were contemporaries and neither of them was metaphysical or pre-occupied with the notion of God or Gods. Confucius discouraged human sacrifice, a practice prevalent in China at the time.
Moses was the son of Bathia, daughter of Pharaoh Seti I and the Pharaoh himself. The myth about finding baby in a basket in water was quite common at the time, especially in honouring national heroes. The Moses' episode was concocted to allow his parents look after him in the palace as their son without incestuous stigma.
Pharaoh Akhnaton was the first to divert attention from TuSoS, the uncreated creator. Akhnaton marginalised the priests of Amon and installed himself as spiritual and political head of Egypt. This selfish, ill-informed action condemned the African race to the dust bin of history because it exposed Africa to incesant invasion by all and saundary. Without the spiritual energy that provided racial cohesion, comfort and even ensured triumph in earlier epoch the African race did not only become vulnerable, she was helpless to defend herself. Although Akhnaton thought he was introducing the One God concept, he was in reality installing an attribute of the One Source, as God. With Akhnaton's marginalisation of the spiritual strength of the race, it was easy for Moses to aggressively divert World's attention from Tu-SoS, The Ultimate (and or Universal) Source of Spiritual power, the One Source, to a usurper
Tu-SoS is wisdom, cosmic consciousness or intelligence. Tu-SoS is Boundless and Limitless in time and space. Tu-SoS does not ask to be worshipped and is not worshipped by any one in the world. Every soul carries a tiny portion of Tu-SoS within by birthright. In other words, the germ is the Christo. It is left to the individual to let Tu-SoS occupy the individual fully by throughly cleansing his or her temple (body) of all dirt, spiritual or otherwise. The Jews call Tu-SoS, En-Sof who is the Ultimate Source of Universal Power. Africans call the One Source variously Chukwu, Osanobua or Olodumare. Africans do not worship Tu-SoS but the attributes or intermediaries in the guise of Sango, Ogun, Olokun, Amadioha because Tu-SoS is too colossal, too all embracing to define, image or approch directly.
Midianites were Africans from Ethiopia worshipping a God which the rest of the world called Lucifer on one of the eight Sanai mountains. It was a major cult and its chief priest was called Jethro. Jethro was considered the father of witchcraft and he initiated Moses into the cult when Moses was running away from home, Egypt, for committing murder. Moses became the spokesman of the Hebrews and the God of the Midianites promised to take them to a new land he would take from the Africans. The God of the Midianites whom the rest of the world knew as Lucifer became God of the Jews to help them escape from Egypt. The God introduced himself to Moses as YHWH which the Jews translated for ease of pronounciation as Yahweh.
Moses' kabbalism (or esoteric knowledge laced with witchcraft) which he first learnt as a Pharoah in trainning (or Prince of Egypt), was reinforced by the teachings of his father-in-law, Jethro, the renowned Ethiopian magician. Moses adopted his Ten Commandments from the ancient 147 Egyptian laws called the ' Negative Confessions,' and gave the Hebrews credit for African customs, some already quite ancient during his time. One classic example was the adoption of the rite of circumcision, an Egyptian custom, thousands of years old by Moses' day.
Other African customs borrowed by the Hebrews include, the transference of sins to a scapegoat, usually an animal; not eating pig, considering it unclean, but on the other hand using it in religious rites, implying some sanctity of the animal; the Passover Feast which was really an old African custom connected with the celebration of the Spring Equinox and passing over of the Sun from the South to North of the Equator. Libations or sacrificial drinking such as in the Sabbath Evening Service by the Rabbi which is a traditional African practice dating back thousands of years.
Christianity and Islam took their dogmas from the Old Testaments of the Jews. African human personification of God in the Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus 4100 years before Christianity, with Osiris sitting in judgment over the dead, reinforced the human and masculine attributes of the Christian and islamic God (Yahweh), who created man in His image and likeness. Yahweh is Kether, one of Judaism's ten attributes of En-Sof just like the African Sango, Ogun or Olokun are attributes of Tu-SoS, the Supreme Source.
Islam adopted the Jewish, human God, Yahweh and called Him Allah, 500 years after Christianity. Yahweh was the popular reference point at the time but Islam had some doubts so they invested their version of Yahweh with some peculiar traits distinct from those of the Christian God.
Islam rejects the idea of a masculine God and that God could have a son. "Allah forbid that He Himself should beget a son....." Those who say: "The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son preach a monstrous falsehood....." (Koran 19: 29,88). Islam also does not accept the idea of God being a Trinity. "Allah is one and unique (Koran 5:70). But the Islamic God is an anthropomorphic deity who has ears, eyes, mouth, and hears, sees, speaks, knows things, and sits on the throne like the Jewish God Yahweh.
To test Abraham's faith, Yahweh asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Convinced of Abraham's faith, Yahweh allowed him to substitute a ram. Muslims commemorate this event yearly with the killing of rams.
Early Christian religion emphasised the African concept that the germ is the Christo planted in man according to his individual capacity to receive higher wisdom. Paul said so much too: "Know ye not your own selves, now that Jesus Christ is within you? This makes every man the "Son of Tu-SoS, from birth. We all have the Christ within yearning for personal growth. Christ was mythological, not historical. Church Fathers invented historical Jesus Christ some five hundred years after the advent of Christianity to install a Messiah.
During the early stages of Christianity reincarnation was accepted as revealed in Matthew 17: 10-12; 16;13; 11:14 and John 9: 2-3; Revelation 13: 10 and so on. Chruch Fathers condemned this as heresy, several centuries later and planted vicarious atonement in its place.
Africans gave the world the concept of Heaven and Hell, good and evil, truth and lie (deceit) and the feather of truth (i.e that truth is weightless and lie requires several layers of lies to sustain). That righteousness is superior to might and steel. That virtue will be rewarded in Empyrean-abode of blissful spiritual life after death and that our ancestors do not die.
A visitor to Thebes in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt can view the 'inferno' in details (in the tomb of Seti I of the nineteenth Dynasty). Osiris at the tribunal of the dead is indeed the Lord of revealed religions, sitting enthroned on Judgment Day. He is righteous, noble, beyond fault and his brother is god Set, evil personified, who would not obey his own laws, contesting realm of influence (human souls) with his elder brother Ausar.
With the banning of African mysteries in 4 AD and finally in 6 AD, Africans fought back by withdrawing totally into necromancy and witchcraft. As they got increasingly frustrated in their long painful unsuccessful efforts to liberate themselves, they began to turn the venom of their sorcery on each other.
Animism and witchcraft have remained stagnant in form and content since ancient times. Their archaic traditions are still seriously steeped in magic, incantations and bloody sacrifices performed largely in unwholesome surroundings. The methods are generally repulsive to say the least, particularly to the younger generations who out of helplessness and ignorance seek their redemption in their millions through foreign religions.
But can Africans become true Christians and Moslems? Isn't there something in their culture still that rebels against their conquerors imposed adopted traditions. Well, Africans strongly believe in reincarnation. They say that the dead come back or is born again and again. That the spirits of our ancestors live on for ever. And why not? If Tu-SoS is infinite, everything in nature must also be infinite.
Organised religions see re-incarnation in terms of renewed faith in God. They call this born again in Christianity but it is not physical or deeply spiritual. All organised religions accept the African concepts that there is a beginning to the universe and the beginning is Tu-SoS, misinterpreted by organised faiths as God; that although the universe appears infinite, its creator can also terminate it; that Tu-SoS gives, Tu-SoS takes away. Islam dropped the notion of future life and ancestor worship from their canon. Christianity dismissed the beliefs as mere superstition while practicing exorcism and declaring an endless number of apparitions of their Virgin Mary. Africans smell hypocrisy and hang on to their beliefs even as they proclaim themselves devoted Christians and Moslems.
Since Africans cannot fully realize themselves as Arabs or Caucasians however hard they try, and have completely lost their African essence and feeling of self-worth after centuries of slavery, colonial and neocolonial dehumanization and exploitation, they have gradually, in the last five hundred years, forgotten their illustrious pioneering history and stopped seeing themselves as equal to the other races.
With continuing cruching racism against them, despite their nominal status as Arabs and Caucasians through forced religious beliefs, they are confused and lost. Without a vibrant native religion or spiritual movement of their own and without a common tradition to bind, cushion and inspire them as a family, they are unable to mobilize, at least, their intellectual wherewithal for their collective development or make appropriate peculiar impact in the world of ideas. A race without a strong, active, lively spiritual (therefore philosophical) outlook of its own is not only voiceless in world affairs, it is as good as dead.
The potency of genuine African spirituality is not in doubt. There are many charlatans, of course, but our success rate is not low by any means. The mavens or wizards know their onions and can cause rain to fall in a desert out of season with the snap of the fingers; stop bullets in flight with bare hands; instigate still birth or difficult child birth with incantation; vanish into the thin air at the scene of a fracas or involvement in a motor accident; help politicians win elections; turn never-do-wells into overnight millionaires or help them gain promotions at work, but always at a great and painful personal cost to the benefactor.
By and large, ancient spirituality is used for evil and because Africa is the oldest most enduring scene of this, most of the evil spirits of the world seem to have found a permanent home in Africa. Every other race or continent, particularly through metaphysically inspired secret societies, have made some effort in the last two thousand years to adapt their spirituality to the development of the mind except Africa and this is partly responsible for Africa's current backwardness. Africa has not refined her spirituality to match, for instance, what kabalism is doing for the Jews in modern times and that is exactly where The Cradle Family comes in. The Cradle Family is the modern spirituality, the r.eligion if you like, the canon of the black race and its chief priest is Naiwu Osahon, the Ameer spiritual of the black race
More details on this article
' The African origin of religions'
are provided in the new book:
The Secrets of the Ages
Written by Naiwu Osahon,
Leader, World Pan-African Movement
' The African origin of religions'
are provided in the new book:
The Secrets of the Ages
Written by Naiwu Osahon,
Leader, World Pan-African Movement
Friday, 3 October 2014
n order to interpret music traditions of Africa, one must first understand its cultural dynamics. Africans pass traditions and cultures down from one generation to the next – orally. Where Western culture and civilization are generally written down, most of Africa’s history is unwritten. The culture is orally preserved. Its core essence is embedded within tightly kept secrets never revealed to outsiders.
Man or womanhood preparation is attained at secret societies where initiates learn traditional ethics and skills related to father and motherhood. At first glance, African traditions seem plain to the untrained eye of people who cannot interpret it. Tribal Africans worship God and consort with ancestral spirits for guidance. Tribal ancestors are appeased in thanksgiving and favor requisite ceremonies depending on the particular occasion that’s taking place.

When US President Barack Obama went to the Sub-Saharan region, he made his visit a symbolic one by visiting one of Ghana’s most heart rending monuments known as the fortress of Cape Coast Castle. Enchained Ghanians had been crammed into its dungeons and shipped out through its “Door of No Return” which opened into the sea where slave ships awaited.

Cameroon has 250-300 distinct groups, and an estimated 300+ languages. Cameroon is divided into several provinces, which are dominated by specific ethnic or religious groups. Ethnic divisions often correspond to geography, which is also widely varied. Religious differences often correspond to colonial or other historical influence.[

Man or womanhood preparation is attained at secret societies where initiates learn traditional ethics and skills related to father and motherhood. At first glance, African traditions seem plain to the untrained eye of people who cannot interpret it. Tribal Africans worship God and consort with ancestral spirits for guidance. Tribal ancestors are appeased in thanksgiving and favor requisite ceremonies depending on the particular occasion that’s taking place.
What this means is a traditional African will evoke the help of his or her dead tribal ancestors, guardian spirits or God to aide in every aspect of his or her life. Blessings are perceived as reward and favor from the divine, while persistent ill luck is seen as retribution for known or unknown discourtesy. Because of the tropical atmosphere, most African regions have two seasons – the rain season and the dry season. Some areas have harmattan weather.
Harvest is anticipated to flourish after the rain season but there may be devastation from flood. The dry season bears little to no crops while cattle wither lean from scarce water supply and the hot burning sun. African music (drum beating, singing, playing handmade instruments and clapping) and dance varies by region and is distinguishable by the specific ceremony. In each region, each ceremony determines which dance, drumbeat or song to be sang
Most Africans are either Christians, Muslims or traditional Africans. Dancing is a way to celebrate child birth, good harvest, marriage, victory at war or answer to prayers. Dancing can also lament death, loss at war, drought, famine, hard luck or curse etc. Music entertainment is common, some dances have a sexual connotation. Here are 10 distinct African music and dance cultures:
One of the main Gambian musicology is a very unique sound called Mbalax Music and Ndaga dancing. Gambia’s main tribes are: Sarahule, Mandinka, Wolof and Jola. Each of which have their own traditional music. The Mandinkas play the Kora lute when singing. The sad case in Africa today is mainstream pop culture’s attribution of materialism with financial success has leads some African musicians to abandon traditional melodies for a westernized pop sound. Some have adopted to Reggae music. However, The Gambia is one of few countries that maintains its traditional music and dance culture. The Gambia is a small West African country surrounded by Senegal. Their major export is peanuts, which leaves the economy to rely on tourism. The Gambia remains one of few peaceful countries in Africa. In history, The Gambia is known as the place where Kunta Kinte was abducted from. Kunta, a beloved son with great promise in his proud Mandinka tribe languished in the United States where his foot was amputated to prevent him from trying to escape slavery
In anguish Kunta told his slave wife and daughter proud stories of his beloved Gambia. Generations of his descendants would tell this story as their family legend. Meanwhile, in Africa, his family also mourn his abduction and their descendents told similar stories of the beloved Kunta whose life and promise was cut short by slave abduction. A chance encounter would later bring both descendants from the United States and The Gambia together. This story spawned the theme of the most watched television series in history, ROOTS. Today, the village of Joffrey is a tourist attraction in The Gambia where one can meet Kunta Kinte’s Gambian relatives
As I stated earlier, African music is indigenous to the region based on cultural similarities. But when you take a closer look, you will find where one culture differs from the other. Most traditional Somali music is played with the Kaban and drums over poetic love lyrics sang in the local Somali language.
When the music world takes a dive into African music, one country with a vast traditional music culture that is often overshadowed by its reputation of war is Somalia. Somalia is a Federal republic that was dominated by the British and Italians. Located in the horn of Africa this country’s unique position gave it a tactical advantage over the Gulf Of Aden. One good description of Somali music is quoted as saying:
“Somalia has a rich musical heritage centered on traditional Somali folklore. Most Somali songs are pentatonic; that is, they only use five pitches per octave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale. At first listen, Somali music might be mistaken for the sounds of nearby regions such as Ethiopia, Sudan or Arabia, but it is ultimately recognizable by its own unique tunes and styles…
…Somali songs are usually the product of collaboration between lyricists (midho), songwriters (lahan), and singers (‘odka or “voice”).” Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi, Culture and Customs of Somalia.
This French speaking West African country also wields a dynamic music and dance culture, most of which is not celebrated in the West. It hails from an ancient Jalunka Empire that later became the Fouta DJallon that was invaded, enslaved and colonized by French explorer/s turned slave traders and colonists
Traditional Guinean music is played with a wide variety of African instruments including wooden-slatted balafon in indigenous Guinean music. This music also has a distinct dance. However, due to penury and underdevelopment there is rampant corruption in this country. The country is also leery of westerners seeking to exploit the culture and their natural resources without an adequate payment of remuneration. Guinea’s Mandingo music is classic throughout Africa.
4. MALI:
Mali’s musicology is integrated in all aspects of its society. Malian dancing at almost every occasion is symbolic to emotions felt. As one of the predominant cultures of Africa, it’s music is one of the main soundtracks in Africa. To better understand this, one must first understand the Mande speaking culture which was brought from Sudan. Out of this group came the Mandingo and the Mende tribes which among other ethnic groups are of the most prominent in West Africa. Known as Mandinka in The Gambia, Malinke in Mali and Mandingo in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone this vast tribe descended from the Mali Empire which is home to the city of Timbuktu.
For a few centuries now, Malian music has echoed through West Africa. It has influenced the music of Guinea, the Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Mauritania and Chad to name a few and to some extent Malian music has influenced all of West Africa. Malian music can be derived from tribes such as the Fula Music, Djembe Music, Malinke Music, Taureg Music using violin, calabash, balafon, flutes and a number of handmade stringed instruments.
War and westernization are two of the greatest hindrances to the continuation of African music today. While so many indigenous Africans still respect their roots, western pop has infiltrated the cultured and caused many to adopt to the image. Throughout Africa musicians are abandoning the classic sound and melodies to sing pop versions of their cultural song. Civil wars kill off or displace music legends who take the elite skills of traditional music with them.
The golden age of traditional African music came before and during the colonial era. Since technology was not as available as it is today, much of those materials from that time period were lost. After gaining their independence, many African countries fell under dictatorship rule which ultimately led to civil war. Wars did not only crippled the already fragile economy, they hindered the traditional music and dance culture from being practiced in their entirety.
Sudan’s historical music culture was interrupted by various impediments. Once a conspicuous music tradition known as the Zar, this tradition led off with musicians who were believed to be possessed by ancestral spirits. After centuries had past, the tradition was banned in the 1900s with ancient drums ceased from their players. A determinant was introduced, aimed at ending the spiritual aspect of Sudanese music. It encouraged a diluted version of the tradition which was stripped off of its spiritual component.
At the time, their Western backed government cracked down and imprisoned any musician who played the Zar with its spiritual component in it. To avoid this, legendary Sudanese musicians left the country and died in exile, taking with them, the knowledge of this ancient art. Since much of African art cannot be written down but only passed from one generation to the next through an oral tradition; this put a strain on the continuation of that aspect of the music.
Sudan is a main source of ancient African culture. Many tribes including the Mande speaking people migrated across West Africa from Sudan. However, their genealogy also consist of elements from the Middle East. Arab presence in Sudan contribute to her music and dance culture as well. In her diversity, Sudan wields more than 500 ethnic groups [tribes] which is the largest deposit of tribes in any one country in Africa. Sudanese music is lyrical; much of it is in the form of storytelling. One source states:
“Due to many years of civil war the culture is heavily influenced by neighboring countries. Many South Sudanese fled to Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Most of those who remained in the country went north to Egypt, greatly assimilating Arabic culture. It is also worth noting that most South Sudanese kept the core of their culture even while in exile and diaspora. Traditional culture is highly upheld and a great focus is given to knowing one’s origin and dialect. Many musical artists from South Sudan use English, Kiswahili, Arabi Juba, their dialect or a mix of all. Popular artists like Yaba Angelosi sings Afro-beat, R&B and Zouk; Dynamiq is popular for his reggae releases; and Emmanuel Kembe sings folks, reggae and Afro-beat.” – Yabe Angelosi – Biography.
Liberia is one of the first African countries to be directly influenced by Western culture. It was founded by freed African-Americans who wished to avoid segregation and belittlement in the United States. However, after two devastating civil wars a little over hundred years later, Liberia was knocked back in time as foreign investors drag their feet to aide in its recovery which held the nation at a standstill.
This war lacerated nation aches in desperate penury. Today, electricity and clean water shortage are some of its most common problems among several tight squeezes. But these problems have not hindered its music and dance culture. Liberia still holds a profound connection with the United States whose flag and constitution are still the blueprint of its current political structure. American music had influenced Liberian youths many years before Africa caught on but this influence did not impede the essence of her traditional music.
The drummer could send an invite to a wedding, celebration of a new born, celebration of good harvest or the drummer could declare war or warn others of pending danger. The drummer could also announce the death of prominent people or summon a tribe to call on the gods for a particular reason. For these reasons, the listener must distinguish between the various situations by simply listening to the “talking drum.” The talking drum can also be used for fun to sing and dance. To note: this tradition is also practiced in Ghana.
Traditional Liberian Music and dance cultures are indigenous to the Grebo, Krahn, Loma, Mano, Gbandi, Kru, Via, Bassa and Sinoe tribes. Like Sierra Leone, Liberians also have a Poro society for boys but a Sandy society for girls. All rituals and cultural ethics taught in these “Grebo Bushes” are secrets that will never be revealed to an outsider. However, during festivals and ceremonies outsiders are invited to enjoy the rich music and dance festival.
Sierra Leone has a very majestic tradition in a tribal music culture and dance tradition known as Goombay Music. Formally known as Romarong, Sierra Leone ancient settlements saw many tribal inter-migrations from Eastern Sudan, the Fouta DJallon and Northern Sahara regions. Many of these tribes came to Romarong, which was then protected by a dense rainforest region, seeking refuge from foreign invasions that had toppled their former communities where new empires were being formed. The new empires sort to wipe out or enslave people who were esteemed chiefs and warriors. Thus the exodus to Romarong
Due to inter-migration of tribes, the exploitation of Portuguese and British explorers turned slave traders, a large wealth of culture was deposited in Sierra Leone. The music of the Poro [for boys, Bondo [Sierra Leone's Sandy society for girls] and Hunting [a community of hunters who utilize ancient African magic to hunt animals] secret societies and their dance rituals consist of traditional Sierra Leone music and dance culture.
Sierra Leone’s traditional music is performed with ceremonious and customarily revered Bondo, Poro and Hunting devils. The main genres of traditional Sierra Leone music can be categorized as Mende, Mandingo, Temne, Fula and Soso music. Earlier on, West Africans had welcomed Christianity, but were soon bitten by it when Christian missionaries and explorers whipped them into slave ships. Islam proved to be a safer alternative for Africans since they could maintain their traditional African and religious dogmas and be Muslims.
As evident in the popularity of Ghana’s symbolic Kente cloth,Ghana exerts its profound roots in Africa as the home of the monumental Ghanaian Empire that reigned for centuries in the region. Ghana has also seen the rise of a prominent Ashanti kingdom. After the British despoiled its gold coast, she embraced the Pan-Africa movement. Like The Gambia, she is among few peaceful democracies in Africa. Among many historic legends, Ghana continues to lead Africa in the preservation of well-defined African music and dance cultures.
Easy Track Ghana is quoted as saying:
“While the style may differ between north and south, traditional music, dance and ceremony are ritualized events occurring at funerals, ceremonies, festivals, weddings and other public and private gatherings. Drums and gong-gong are more prevalent in the south, while string instruments and the calabash are more used in the north.”
Ghanaian musicology is divided into two sections. Northern Ghana shares its musical culture with Niger, Burkina Faso and Northern Togo where stringed instruments are commonly played. Southern Ghanaian musicology of the Akan and Ga tribes play drums. The xylophone or Balafon is Africa’s piano which is found in all traditional African music. African music instruments are handmade.
Sculpted with deep African content is the leadership and values Nigeria self sustained with its population of 140 million. They have more than enough audience to uphold their tradition. From a variety of rich cuisine to an array of distinguishable attire, Nigeria houses about 500 tribes in 35 federal states. Their main ethic groups are: Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa. They developed a sharp wit and their image is often tainted in Western media. Along with Ghana, she stands as another one of Africa’s main cultured hubs. Most significant to West Africa is her vast peacekeeping force and multitude of natural resources. And in many cases Nigerian music and dance represent the embodiment of African musicology.
The World Music Network puts it this way: “Nigeria is unrivaled in Africa in terms of cultural output. Yet, except for a few internationally known African pop icons (Fela Kuti, Sunny Ade and Femi Kuti), the country’s artistry remains a mystery to all but the most ardently adventurous listeners.” As a cultural giant, her Yoruba tribe is famed for their detailed drumming, while core elements like lyrics run deep from the soul. Yoruba instruments include; shekere, bembe, abinti, koso, agogo and sakura.
Igbos play a wide variety of sorts but their main sound is the ikoro, or slit gong and the udu pot drum. Nigerians also play traditional stringed instruments like the molo and the kontigi of the Hausa. In Nigerian musicology drumming percussion are either the dundun or the bata. Some of the most common genres of Nigerian music are: Fuji Fever, Juju Music, Afro Beat and Apala. If one is interested in African traditional music and dance Nigerian culture is a must see.
Cameroon has a rich and diverse culture made up of a mix of about 250 indigenous populations and just as many languages and customs. The country is nicknamed "Little Africa" as geographically, Cameroon consists of coastline, mountains, grass plains, forest, rainforest and desert, all of the geographical regions in Africa in one country. This also contributes to its cultural diversity as ways of life and traditional food dishes and traditions very from geographical region to geographical region.
Partly through the influence of colonialism, there is a national culture, and two distinct regional cultures: the Anglophone and Francophone regions, which primarily speak English and French
Since the Cameroon was formerly under French and British rule, the official languages are French and English. There are also numerous endemic living languages spoken by the people that reflects the diversity of the country.[1] These languages include the Akoose language, the Gbaya languages, the Fula language, the Gyele language, the Koonzime language, the Mundang language, the Ngiemboon language, and the Vengo language. The Vernacular languages from the ethnic groups in Cameroon are well over 200. Some of them are Ewondo, Beti, Bamileke, Duala and Arabic in the North and Far-North regions
Cameroon is a true crossroads of African art and culture
Cameroon is a true crossroads of African art and culture
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